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词汇 该病
例句 There is no link to an increase in cases of the disease.该病病例的增加没有任何联系。Experts hold varying opinions as to the causes of the disease.专家们对该病的起因各持己见。Orwell contracted tuberculosis during the war and eventually died from the disease.奥韦尔在战时染上肺结核,后来死于该病Many of the patients are in the terminal stages of the disease.许多病人都处于该病的晚期。It is the first drug that seems to have a very significant effect on this disease.这是第一种似乎对该病有显著疗效的药物。Scientists are on the scent of a cure. 科学家们找到了治愈该病的线索。They try to cure the disease so that people may live longer.他们设法根治该病以便使人们活得更长些。He had no outward signs of the illness.他没有该病的明显征兆。The disease does irreparable damage to the nervous system.该病对神经系统会造成不可修复的损伤。Dr Chalmers is trying to find out how many people may have contracted the disease in her area.查默斯医生试图了解在她负责的地区有多少人可能染上该病Their many years of research have finally culminated in a cure for the disease.经过多年研究,他们终于开发出一种能治愈该病的药物。This disease causes sterility in both males and females.该病会导致男女不孕不育。The disease then goes into a long period of incubation.该病随后进入漫长的潜伏期。Most people's ideas of the disease do not have much to do with the reality.多数人对该病的看法没什么现实依据。The disease isn't proving responsive to treatment.该病对治疗没有反应。The disease is common in children.该病常见于儿童。The disease is passed on by sexual contact.该病透过性交传染。It's too early to say whether this virus is actually the cause of the disease.说这种病毒确实能引起该病还为时过早。Drugs can slow down the progression of the disease, but not cure it altogether.药物可以延缓该病的进展,却不能完全治愈。




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