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词汇 该船
例句 The ship was not permitted to fish in Canadian waters.该船不准在加拿大水域捕鱼。The operator expects the ship to be out of commission until the end of September.营运商估计,九月底之前该船无法使用。The ship plies between Hongkong and Shanghai.该船定期航行于香港和上海之间。The ship was flying the British flag.该船悬挂的是英国旗帜。The boat's interior badly needed painting.该船内部亟需油漆。The ship was impounded under the terms of the UN trade embargo.该船因触犯联合国贸易禁运条款而被扣押。It was impossible to pinpoint the exact position of the ship.根本无法确定该船只的准确位置。They were ordered to sink the ship.他们奉命击沉该船Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea.绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上拦截该船Rough seas prevented rescuers from approaching the ship.波涛汹涌的大海使救援人员无法靠近该船Investigators found a defect in the design of the ship.调查人员发现了该船设计上的一个缺陷。The ship stopped in Shanghai to check damage.该船在上海停泊,检查损坏情况。The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston harbour.该船获准在波士顿港口停泊。The ship was blown up by a torpedo.该船被一枚鱼雷炸毁。The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda.外交部愿意向海运公司支付将该船改道至百慕大的一切费用。The ship will make calls at several ports.该船将在数个港口停靠。It was the ship's maiden voyage.那是该船的处女航。




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