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词汇 适当
例句 The regulations are scheduled to change next winter, and in the interim , we'll be working hard to make all of the appropriate changes.这些条例预定于明年冬天更改,在此期间,我们会努力对所有不妥之处做出适当调整。It is important to slow down, rest, and eat sensibly.放慢节奏、适当休息和注意饮食是很重要的。A good walk aids digestion.适当散步有助于消化。With proper training, most people can learn leadership skills.大多数人经过适当培训都可掌握领导技能。Herringbone the sides in place, above the mitred corner.用人字形图案把斜接角上方的两面适当装饰一下。Weight loss can be achieved by balancing a healthy level of physical activity with eating a nutritious diet.减轻体重可以通过适当锻炼和营养用餐之间达成平衡来实现。We were asked to wait a decent interval before making the announcement.我们被告知要适当等一段时间再发表公告。It should include a review of energy usage and, where applicable, the production and disposal of waste.它应该包括对能耗的检查结果,适当时还应包括对垃圾的产生和处理的审查结果。You have a legal duty to take reasonable care.你有适当注意的法律义务。No one must operate the machinery without proper training.未经适当培训者不得操作这台机器。When the oven reaches the correct heat, the light goes off.烤箱达到适当温度时,灯就会熄灭。The appropriate use of dialect lent the novel great charm.方言的适当运用给这本小说增添了极大的魅力。Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping.当油漆开始剥落时,要给房间适当通风。When launching a kick, it is essential to be at the correct distance from your opponent.踢击对手时距离适当至关重要。He had to learn to temper his enthusiasm.他得学会适当调整自己的热情。A bit of fresh air and exercise will do her a world of good.吸点新鲜空气和适当锻炼会对她大有好处。This is neither the time nor the place to talk about money.现在不是谈论钱这个问题的适当时间和场合。I don't think it's the right time to tell Jeff.我认为现在还不是告诉杰夫的适当时候。He pointed out the dangers of setting off without the right equipment.他指出没有适当装备就出发的种种危险。The steel/glass must be properly tempered.这种钢材/玻璃必须适当回火。Once it is properly cooked the flavour mellows.一旦经过适当烹调,味道就变得香醇了。I would be most grateful if you could send me an invoice in due course.请您在适当时候将发票寄送给我,我将万分感激。Richardson apologized and promised that appropriate action would be taken to fix the problem.理查森道了歉,答应会采取适当行动解决问题。It's your own lookout if you're not properly insured.没有适当投保是你自己的责任。I hope she was suitably apologetic afterwards.我希望她事后能适当表示歉意。I am very critical of the adequacy of Britain's race laws.我对英国种族法律的适当性颇有微词。The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly.该国没有现代枪炮来给预备役部队提供适当装备。The appropriate concentration of the drug is best determined by experiment.药物的适当浓度最好通过实验来决定。Drivers should pay due diligence to the road conditions.司机应对路况给予适当关注。I need my pictures to be anatomically correct.我要我的相片比例适当The salesman has some wiggle room to reduce the price of the car.这名推销员有适当降低这辆车价格的权限。For work to flow smoothly, proper preparations must be made.为了使工作进展顺利,必须进行适当的准备。The case highlights the need for adequate controls on such experiments.这一事例吸引人们关注对这类试验实施适当控制的必要性。I don't actually mind being sampled as long as people give credit where it's due.只要人们在适当处标明出处,我其实并不在乎自己的音乐被人节录。The wound was not properly disinfected and gangrene set in.伤口未作适当消毒,开始生坏疽了。Exercise gently and avoid putting yourself under undue strain.适当锻炼,不要给自己太大的压力。Proper dental care can prevent tooth decay.适当注意牙齿卫生可以防止龋齿。Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.课程的每个领域都应由具备适当专业知识的教师领导。As with any business, proper preparation is required.与其他业务一样,适当的准备是必须的。Its houses are large, well-spaced and surrounded by gardens.其房子很大、间距适当,周围全是花园。




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