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词汇 controller
例句 Please press the controller to turn the machine on.请按控制器来开机。The new student received a letter from the controller's office regarding her tuition.新生收到了一封来自主计官办公室的有关学费的信。It is known to all that a controller's job is very stressful.众所周知飞航管制员的工作很紧张。In the report it was disclosed that neither pilot nor controller had any experience of the radar system in use at the time of the crash.报告披露,在撞机事故发生时,飞行员和调度员对正在使用的雷达系统都没有任何经验。Within a few months I was appointed financial controller, but I still wasn't at the sharp end.几个月里我被任命掌管财政,但仍不处于决策地位。Who is the controller of this building?谁是这栋楼的管理人?




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