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词汇 controls
例句 In National Parks, although the land is privately owned, there are strict controls on the use of the land.国家公园的土地虽为私人所有,但是用地有严格的限制。The radio said that the prime minister had ordered price controls to be introduced.据电台报道,首相已下令实行价格管制。The governing party controls two-thirds of the parliament.执政党控制了议会的三分之二。A state program to retrofit engines with pollution controls has succeeded in reducing pollution from trains.州政府对引擎加装污染控制系统的计划成功地降低了火车的污染状况。When exchange controls were lifted, Swedes rushed to invest overseas.外汇管制取消之后,瑞典人竞相到国外投资。These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.这些价格调控措施与信奉自由市场的自由主义者所倡导的经济原则完全背道而驰。The rebel army now controls nearly half the country.叛军现在几乎控制了半壁江山。A single company controls the entire industry.一家公司控制着整个行业。The first act of the government was to lift all exchange controls.政府出台的第一项法案就是取消外汇管制。The King himself was at the controls when his helicopter landed.直升机降落时是国王自己操纵的。It had been thought that passport controls would be scrapped.人们曾认为会放开护照管制。The setting of the thermostat that controls the central heating had been altered.控制中央供暖的恒温设置被人改动过了。The case highlights the need for adequate controls on such experiments.这一事例吸引人们关注对这类试验实施适当控制的必要性。The army controls the north of the country.军队控制着该国的北部。To cut down on competition, the government passed price controls on prescription drugs.为减少竞争,政府通过了处方药价格控制方案。It's much safer if you learn to drive in a car which has dual controls.如果你用配有双重控制装置的汽车来学习驾驶就安全得多了。I practised operating the controls.我练习操作这些控制装置。It was certificated as a single-pilot aeroplane although dual controls were fitted.这架飞机虽然安装了双人操作系统,但是获得的却是单人飞行的批文。He stepped swiftly to the controls to throttle back the engine.他快步来到控制台跟前,减小了油门。Doctors have said that legal highs should be subject to more controls.医生们说合法致幻药品因受更严格管制。Regulators worry that controls could easily be bypassed.监管机构担心人们会轻易地摆脱控制。Someone had been fooling about with the controls.不知道是谁在瞎摆弄控制器。Both countries have agreed to drop border controls.两国都同意停止边境管制。The museum's board of directors holds/controls the purse strings.这家博物馆的财权掌握在董事会手中。The country will loosen currency controls to encourage spending abroad.该国将放宽货币管制以鼓励境外消费。The left brain controls the right-hand side of the body.左脑控制人的右半身。Before you sail, you need to learn about basic boat controls.驾驶帆船之前需要学一学基本的驾船知识。This switch here controls the lights.此处的这个开关控制电灯。The government would inflate the economy and then put on price controls.政府将先让经济膨胀,然后再实施物价管制。A thermostat controls the room's temperature.恒温器调节房间的温度。The dashboard controls feel clunky and unrefined.这个仪表板让人感觉笨重而且粗糙。Mr Howard also hosed down speculation the Government would introduce tighter controls.霍华德先生也否定了政府要采取更严厉管控的推断。The company controls a large segment of the market.这家公司控制了很大一部分的市场。Incomes controls were used only as a short-term expedient.控制收入只是短期的应对策略。With open frontiers and lax visa controls, criminals could cross into the country without restraint.由于边境开放和签证管理松懈,罪犯可以毫无限制地进入这个国家。The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了一些零星的抵抗外,部队已控制了城市。The reason I can't send you money is because I have a domineering wife who completely controls my finances.我无法汇钱给你,因为我有一个完全控制我财务的跋扈老婆。The video controls are pretty self-explanatory.录像机的这些控制键都是一看就懂的。Ministers are again talking about reflation and price controls.部长们又在谈论通货复胀和价格管制了。The cost of almost all goods and services soared when price controls were removed.取消价格限制之后,几乎所有的商品和服务费用都在飞涨。




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