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词汇 违法行为
例句 The mayor was condemned for the monstrous malfeasance of his administration.由于其政府的荒谬违法行为,市长被宣告有罪。The investigation has uncovered evidence of corporate malfeasance.调查发现了公司违法行为的证据。Travelling on the train without a ticket is an offence.不买票乘火车是违法行为They are carrying out research on the causes of delinquent behaviour among young people.他们正在研究青少年违法行为的产生原因。The offence resulted in a disqualification from driving.这个违法行为导致驾驶资格被吊销。Athletes must make sure that they are not involved in behavior that is law-breaking.运动员必须保证不参与违法行为This law makes it illegal to smoke in public places.这条法律使在公共场所抽烟成了违法行为The courts exercise discretion in the area of minor traffic violations.法庭可酌情处理轻微的交通违法行为It is illegal to dishonour bookings; that goes for restaurants as well as customers.不履行预订是违法行为,这既适用于餐馆和也适用于顾客。The sale of these knives should be made illegal.应该规定销售这种刀具为违法行为Driving without a licence is an offence.无照驾驶是违法行为It is an offence to obstruct the police during the course of their duty.妨碍警察执行公务属违法行为It's illegal to impersonate a police officer.假冒警察是违法行为Possession of an unregistered firearm is a serious offense.拥有未经登记的枪械是严重的违法行为Although some people campaign for the right to euthanasia, it is still illegal in most countries.尽管一些人发起运动争取安乐死的权利,但在大多数国家中实施安乐死仍是违法行为Any departure from this order is considered a violation of the laws.任何背弃这个命令的行为都被认为是违法行为Two managers had been cited for similar infractions.两名经理因为类似的违法行为而受到传讯。Davies claimed that he did not know he was committing an offence by accessing the website.戴维斯说他不知道进入那网站是违法行为The law prescribes certain penalties for this offence.法律对这种违法行为规定了某些惩处办法。The investigators found no evidence of wrongdoing and the company's managers were cleared of all charges.调查人员未发现任何违法行为的证据,对公司经理们的指控被全部撤回。We uncovered irregularities in the town's finances.我们揭发了这个镇子财政上的违法行为A great deal of criminal and delinquent behaviour is extemporaneous.有大量的犯罪和违法行为是突然发生的。This is a very serious offence.这是非常严重的违法行为The prison sentence seemed harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.考虑到该违法行为并不严重,判决入狱似乎量刑偏重。That offence is not justiciable in a federal court.那种违法行为不在联邦法院受理范围内。She had committed various minor offences, like breaking road-traffic regulations.她曾有各种轻微违法行为,例如违反道路交通规则。Delinquency and drug addiction are more common in areas of high unemployment.违法行为和吸毒问题在失业率高的地区更为普遍。The coloring of food is against the law in some countries.给食物加上色素在有些国家属违法行为




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