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词汇 rabbit
例句 Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.魔术师常常变从帽子抓出兔子的戏法。The rabbit ran this way and that , trying not to get caught.这只兔子四处奔跑,尽量不被抓住。A rabbit ran into the underbrush.一只兔子跑进了矮树丛。The rabbit was nibbling a leaf.兔子在啃一片叶子。A dog can tear a rabbit apart in seconds.狗片刻就能把一只兔子撕烂。The dog scented a rabbit and ran off after it.狗嗅到了一只兔子便追了上去。Her dog was running after a rabbit and did not hear her calling.她的狗在追兔子,没听见她的叫喊。They hoped to pop a rabbit or two.他们指望打中一两只兔子。The rabbit suddenly broke cover and ran across the field.兔子突然从藏身处跳出来,窜过田野。The rabbit was caught in the glare of the car's headlights.那只兔子跑到了汽车大灯的光圈里。The rabbit looked scared.这只兔子看起来吓坏了。She stroked the rabbit's soft fur.她轻抚着兔子身上软软的毛。Yes, I remember Janine. She lived in that house on the corner, and she had a pet rabbit.对,我记得贾宁。她住在街角的那幢房子里,养了一只宠物兔。The conjuror used magic to produce a rabbit from his hat.魔术师从帽子里变出一只兔子来。I'm just a rabbit at cricket.我的板球打得一点也不好。He turned up at a fancy dress Easter dance in the guise of a white rabbit.他扮成白兔在复活节化装舞会上亮相。The rabbit/bird hopped across the grass.兔子/鸟蹦跳着穿过草地。A rabbit lolloped across the path.一只兔子蹦蹦跳跳地横穿过小径。A rabbit has great power in its back legs.兔子的后腿很有力。The rabbit disappeared by magic.兔子被魔法变没了。I think we've just run a rabbit over.恐怕我们刚才轧死了一只兔子。The rabbit creeps away and hides in a hole.兔子悄悄溜走,藏进洞里。Gut the rabbit before you cook it.烧煮之前先把兔子的内脏取出。A hawk swooped down and caught a rabbit in the field.老鹰俯冲下来抓住了田野上的兔子。She twitched her nose like a rabbit.她像兔子一样抽动了一下鼻子。The hunter skinned the rabbit and prepared it for cooking.猎人剥去兔子的皮,准备烹调。A rabbit got caught in the blades of the reaper.一只兔子被卷到收割机的刀刃中去了。The magician produced a rabbit from a hat.魔术师从一顶帽子里变出一只兔子。The hounds found the trail of the rabbit.猎犬嗅到了兔子的气味。A rabbit lopped among the cabbages.一只兔子在卷心菜丛中跳跃奔跑。He skinned the rabbit and removed the insides.他剥了兔子皮,去除了内脏。The rabbit looked all around, with its ears erect.这只兔子竖着耳朵,四处张望。The hound was going to sink its teeth into the rabbit but was quickly pulled off.猎狗正要咬兔子,可是马上被拉开了。He nailed a rabbit with his first shot.他一枪就击中了一只兔子。The rabbit had no chance of outrunning the dogs.兔子不可能比狗跑得快。The dog scented a rabbit.狗闻到了兔子的臭迹。The dog went after a rabbit but didn't catch it.狗追兔子,但没有逮住兔子。We fed the rabbit some beetroot tops.我们拿一些甜菜叶子喂这只兔子。The rabbit burrowed into the side of the hill.兔子在山坡上打了个洞。One of the students dressed up as a rabbit and marched around campus carrying a sign.其中一个学生扮成兔子模样,手里拿着一块标牌在校园中四处走动。




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