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词汇 进行谈判
例句 She is prepared to enter into talks with the strike leaders.她准备和罢工的领导者进行谈判They are negotiating a peace settlement.他们正在为达成和平协议进行谈判The board of directors has given her power to negotiate the contract.董事会授权她就这份合同进行谈判The conflict can be ended only by step-by-step negotiations.这场冲突只能通过一步一步进行谈判才能解决。Union negotiate conditions of employment.工会就雇用条件进行谈判The government is negotiating for the release of the hostages.政府正在就人质的释放进行谈判Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate.反对派的势力日趋强大,政府因而同意进行谈判It was given out that the government was to enter into negotiations with the rebels.政府宣布要和叛军进行谈判The military now say they're willing to hold talks with the political parties.军方现在说,他们愿意与政党进行谈判The only thing we can do is to negotiate on a case by case basis.我们唯一能做的就是视具体情况进行谈判They are plodding on with negotiations.他们在坚持不懈进行谈判Teachers are bargaining for higher salaries.老师们正在为加薪进行谈判He entered into negotiations with that big company.他开始与那家大公司进行谈判Western governments have this week urged him to negotiate and avoid force.西方各国政府本周敦促他进行谈判,避免使用武力。Mr. Cohen held discussions at the embassy with one of the rebel leaders.科恩先生在大使馆与其中一名叛军领导人进行谈判They have placed great trust in him as a negotiator.他们完全信赖让他进行谈判The government has shown an unwillingness to negotiate on this issue.政府已表现出不愿意就这一问题进行谈判的姿态。They have refused to negotiate on this issue.他们拒绝就这一问题进行谈判They spent hours around the negotiating table.他们花了数小时进行谈判We are not, I repeat, not actually in the negotiating process.我们不是,我重申一下,实际上不是在进行谈判Several attempts were made to negotiate with the gunmen.已经几次尝试要和持枪歹徒进行谈判If they're willing to put all their cards on the table and negotiate, that's good.如果他们愿意公开自己的打算并进行谈判,那就好了。We are negotiating for the release of the prisoners.我们正在就释放囚犯一事进行谈判Even if the two parties do sit down together, a stormy stalemate is in the cards.即使双方真的一起坐下来进行谈判,也很可能会出现一个激烈争吵相持不下的局面。We must negotiate from a position of strength.我们必须从优势地位来进行谈判




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