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She became caught in a whirlpool of hate.她陷入了仇恨的漩涡。The racing river caused swirling eddies.湍急的河水形成了许多漩涡。The water eddied around in a whirlpool.水流形成了一个漩涡。The boat was sucked down into the whirlpool.船被漩涡吞没了。The recent rain had churned up the waterfall into a muddy whirlpool.最近的一场雨把瀑布搅成了泥水漩涡。The company has entered a death spiral.这个公司已经进入了死亡的漩涡。They felt they were being sucked into a whirlpool of publicity.他们觉得好像陷入了一个宣传的漩涡中。She was caught in a maelstrom of emotions.她陷入了感情的漩涡。When marriages break down children are swept into the vortex of their parents' embittered emotions.当婚姻破裂时,孩子们也被卷进父母感情日益恶化的漩涡中。Below the bridge the river roiled in brown eddies.大桥下翻腾着棕色的漩涡。She leapt fearlessly into the swirling waters to save him.她毫不畏惧地跳入漩涡中去救他。There are a lot of very dangerous whirlpools that will catch a boat and whirl it round.有许多危险的漩涡会把小船冲得打旋。The eddying water made gurgling noises against the rock.水中的漩涡拍打在岩石上,潺潺作响。The rocky cliffs plunge into the swirling rapids below.岩石峭壁陡然向下,伸入下面的漩涡急流中。A social worker was at the centre of the scandal.一位社会工作者处于这起丑闻的漩涡之中。He was caught in a swirling vortex of terror.他陷入了恐惧的漩涡。 |