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词汇 进攻
例句 We replied to the enemy's attack with a barrage.我军以齐射的炮火回击敌军的进攻She began the season on offense , but her coach later put her on defense.她在赛季初打进攻组,但是后来教练把她换到了防守组。They had a sustained attack but could not score.他们一直在进攻,但没有得分。The army is girding itself for a renewed assault by the rebels.部队正在为叛乱分子的新一轮进攻做准备。A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack.坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻These are purely defensive weapons, not designed for attack.这些是纯粹的防御性武器,并不是用来进攻的。The Marines quickly blunted the attack and forced the enemy back in disarray.海军陆战队员迅速挫败了敌人的进攻并迫使其狼狈后撤。Although Mulumbu plays most of the game in the hole, he pushes into the box to support the strikers whenever possible.虽然穆伦布大部分时间的位置在防守队员之前以及其他前卫和前锋之后,但是只要有可能,他都会冲入对方禁区支援进攻The runner faked left and then cut to the right.这名带球进攻球员做了个朝左跑的假动作,然后插到了右边。They turned up the heat in the second half mounting attack after attack on the City goal.他们在下半场加强了攻势,向城市队的球门发起了一波又一波进攻They attacked by night, hoping to surprise their enemy.他们在夜里进攻,以期能使敌人猝不及防。The invasion was all the more remarkable in antithesis with the peaceful statement made a few days previous to the attack.进攻发起前数日发表的和平声明相对照,入侵格外令人瞠目。The team's sluggish attack sprang to life in the second half.该队沉闷的进攻在下半场突然有了生气。They attacked with determination and defended well.他们进攻坚决,防守稳固。A skilled fencer advances as his opponent retreats.一名娴熟的击剑手在对手后退时向前进攻Bayern are a team that can play well offensively.拜仁慕尼黑队是一支擅长进攻的队伍。The team's offense ran full throttle.球队的进攻非常迅猛。The soldiers mounted an all-out attack on the town.士兵对该镇发起全面进攻The militia responded by saying it would retaliate against any attacks.民兵组织回复说他们会对任何进攻予以反击。John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault.约翰的手下正在为最后的进攻做准备。The attack was stopped — but only momently.进攻被抑止了,但只是暂时遭阻而已。The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces.步兵团可能会使用打了就跑的战术来阻滞进攻部队。The quarterback directs the offense.四分卫组织进攻Our intention is to destroy their offensive capability once and for all.我们的目的是彻底摧毁他们的进攻能力。Our team has the best offense in the league.我们的球队拥有联赛中最好的进攻球员。They had once again driven off the enemy's attack.他们又一次击退了敌人的进攻They gained five yards on the last play.在最后一次进攻中,他们将球推进了五码。The defenders fought off the attack.防守者击退了进攻All that was needed was one final push, and the enemy would be vanquished once and for all.只需要发动最后一次进攻,就能把敌人彻底消灭。Offence is the best defence.进攻是最好的防御。He flayed the England attack to all parts of the field.他把英格兰队的进攻球奋力打到球场四处。We studied their offensive maneuvers and anticipated the attack.我们研究了他们的进攻策略,预料到了这次进攻The Allies regrouped and launched a new attack.盟军重新部署,发动了一次新的进攻She had to flee for her life when soldiers attacked her town.士兵进攻她所在的小镇时,她不得不逃命。The offensive began several days ago as an attempt to relieve the town.进攻于几天前开始,试图解放这个城镇。The attackers stormed ashore at zero hour.突击者于进攻发起时刻强击登陆。He hardly put a foot wrong in defence and was fine in attack.他的防守几乎无懈可击,进攻也是可圈可点。The attack could come at any time, so the soldiers need to be on full alert.进攻随时都有可能发生,因此士兵需要时刻保持高度警惕。The weather favoured the attacking army.天气对进攻部队有利。The enemy seemed stunned by the suddenness of the attack.进攻之出其不意似乎让敌人大吃一惊。




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