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例句 She exhorted her listeners to support the proposition.她力劝她的听众支持这项提议。The job wasn't anywhere near finished.这项工作离结束还远着呢。The policy is supported by right-wingers within the party.这项政策得到党内右翼成员的支持。The job is beyond his ability. 他无法胜任这项工作。Doubts about the value of the work began to assert themselves.这项工作的价值产生的疑虑开始逐渐显现。Japan's education ministry ordered the change to encourage students to tear themselves away from textbooks.日本文部省下令实行这项改革,以鼓励学生从课本中走出来。The fight for supremacy in the sport is on.争夺这项体育赛事霸主的竞争开始了。The experiment did not achieve a desirable result.这项实验未取得理想的结果。It's a matter of pride that he does the work all by himself.他独自一人做这项工作是出于自尊心。The plan is good, but it needs fleshing out a bit.这项计划很好,但需要充实一下。I can point to several past accomplishments that show that I can perform the job well.我可以指出过去取得的几项成就来证明我能够做好这项工作。At the end of this event, Davies is sure to have moved up a place in the world rankings.这项赛事结束后,戴维斯在世界排名表上肯定能上升一位。They are looking at ways to disentangle him from this major policy decision.他们正在想办法撇清他同这项重大决策的关系。The war programme won't sell with the public.这项战争计划不会被公众所接受。We've got to be more systematic in the way that we approach this task.我们完成这项任务的时候应该更有条理一些。Philip set about the task with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm.菲利普以无穷的精力和热情开始了这项任务。You don't need strength to take part in this sport.参加这项运动不需要太多体力。Professionalism has raised the standard of rugby immensely.橄榄球的职业化令这项运动的水平大大提高了。This simple test provides doctors with early warning of the onset of the disease.这项简易化验能够对医生发出疾病出现的预警。You have to finish the work within the given time.你们必须在规定时间内完成这项工作。They will weigh this evidence and come to a rational conclusion.他们会斟酌这项证据,然后得出合理的结论。The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces.这项太空计划将以武装部队作后盾继续进行。To be fair, we hadn't really spent enough time on the job.老实说,我们在这项工作上花的时间不够。Senator Smith worked on the other committee members to vote for the bill.参议员史密斯游说其他委员投票赞成这项提案。She is clearly the front runner for the job.她显然是这项工作呼声最高的竞争者。We must put more money into the sport if we want to create the tennis legends of the future.我们若想造就未来网坛的传奇人物,就必须在这项运动上投入更多资金。They expect you to give yourself to the job completely.他们希望你全力投入到这项工作中。The deal is being authored by a Greek diplomat.一位希腊外交官正在牵头促成这项协议。The new policy has caused a split in the organization.这项新政策引起了组织的分裂。They have to discontinue the project because of a lack of funds.由于缺乏资金,他们只得将这项工程下马。The survey defined disaffected students as those who were regularly non-compliant or challenging.这项调查将疏离生定义为经常不服从教育或挑衅的学生。Many voters approve of the plan, but some are opposed. 许多选民支持这项计划,但也有一些人表示反对。The policy was ill-conceived and wrong-headed.这项政策规划不周而且判断失误。The study confirms the findings of earlier research.这项研究证实了早期的研究结果。This job needs someone with a lot of get-up-and-go.这项工作需要一个有点魄力的人来做。The defendant was enjoined from using the patent.那位被告被禁止使用这项专利。We don't have much time to finish this job, so we better jump to it.我们完成这项工作的时间不多了,所以我们最好赶快行动。Congress has shown little interest so far in changing the law.国会至今无意修改这项法律。Interest in the sport is snowballing.人们对这项运动的兴趣越来越大。The training program helps to cushion the effect of unemployment.这项训练计划有助于缓冲失业造成的影响。




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