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词汇 自来水
例句 There's a burst water main in Quarry Road.阔里路有一处自来水总管爆裂。Britain's water companies are planning to meter water consumption.英国的自来水公司正计划计量水的用量。All the rooms have hot and cold running water.全部房间都有冷热自来水The house has hot and cold running water. 这房子有冷热自来水Building contractors had burst a large water main.建筑承包商弄裂了一条粗大的自来水总管。The tap water is usable.自来水可以喝。Hygiene was non-existent: no running water, no bathroom.卫生根本谈不上:没有自来水、没有卫生间。Avoid drinking the tap water when you first arrive in the country.刚到该国时不要饮用自来水It was a spartan existence, with no running water or electricity.生活条件很艰苦,没有自来水,也没有电。He never drinks tap water.他从不喝自来水Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water.用一把硬刷子在冷自来水下冲洗贻贝。There were extraneous minerals in the water supply that made it unsafe to drink.自来水中含有外来无机物,使水不宜饮用。The city's waterworks is in bad repair.该城的自来水系统严重失修。It has no mains water or drainage.没有自来水和排水系统。We don't wish to alarm people unnecessarily, but it would be wise to avoid drinking the tap water here.我们不是有意要吓人,不过最好不要喝这里的自来水The new houses have piped water, electricity, central heating and other modern conveniences.新建房屋有自来水、电力供应、集中供暖以及其他现代设施。Many people are living in encampments around the city with no electricity or running water.很多人生活在城市周边一些没有电力和自来水供应的临时营地里。The government regulates how much lead may be found in our water supply.政府限定了我们自来水中的含铅量。They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household.他们采用了一套计量家用自来水使用量的方法。During the drought, water companies used water from the emergency reservoirs, gambling that normal rainfall would soon fill them up again.干旱期间,自来水公司把紧急备用水库里的水也拿来用了,希望碰碰运气,指望正常的降雨会很快再次灌满水库。They worried about the purity of tap water.他们担心自来水是否纯净。Tap water also contains varying amounts of rust and grit.自来水也含有数量不等的铁锈和沙子。After the water main broke, the Monday-morning quarterbacks in the media criticized the city for not replacing the old pipes.自来水总管道破裂后,媒体界的事后诸葛亮们纷纷谴责市政府没更换老管道。There is concern about the purity of our tap water.我们的自来水的纯净度令人担心。All the bedrooms have hot and cold running water.所有的卧室都有冷、热自来水Water companies will have to cut down on wastage.自来水公司需要减少浪费。The people live in wretched conditions, with no running water.人们的居住条件非常糟糕,没有自来水Some of these older houses still don't have running water.这些老房子还有一些没有通自来水The pump doesn't work and we have no running water.水泵坏了,我们没有自来水了。The day of reckoning is coming for the water company directors.自来水公司的主管们算账的日子就要到来了。The mayor had been aiming to quietly turn over control of the city's water to private business interests.市长一直想悄悄地把本市的自来水控制权交给私营企业。Water is metered and charged for.自来水是用水表计量收费的。Cloudy water from the taps usually means problems with your storage tank.自来水浑浊一般表示水箱有问题。They are without sanitation, water, or lighting.他们没有卫生设备、自来水或电灯。It needs mains water and drains.这里需要有自来水和下水道。Prisoners were kept in cells with no beds and no running water.囚犯被关押在没有床也没有自来水的小囚室内。Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs.自来水公司应该集中精力减少水浪费,而不是修建新水库。Tap water is never chemically pure.自来水从来不是化学意义上的纯水。Tap water is drinkable everywhere in the Algarve.阿尔加维各地的自来水都可饮用。When water is used this must be distilled water or spring water; never tap water.用水的时候必须是蒸馏水或泉水,绝不能用自来水




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