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So do I take this guy seriously or is he out to lunch?那这家伙是认真的还是一时冲动?That guy's a player.这家伙是个生活放荡的人。The guy is always telling filthy jokes.这家伙老是讲下流的笑话。This guy has been around.这家伙见过世面。When you watch him in training, you realize that this lad is the business.你看他训练的时候,就能意识到这家伙绝对是干这个的料。So there I was right, middle of the night, right, and this guy came up to me...“好啦,我就在那儿,半夜里,对吧,这家伙向我走了过来……”Watch out for Andy. He can be really sneaky.要当心安迪这家伙,他很鬼头鬼脑。As soon as the guy opened his mouth to speak, you knew he was the real deal.只要这家伙一张嘴说话,你就知道他是个有真材实料的人。This guy goggled at every young female passing by.这家伙瞪大眼睛看每一个走过的年轻女性。Give the guy a knuckle sandwich and let the teeth fall where they may.给这家伙当嘴一拳,管他牙齿往哪里掉。The guy just came out of the brig.这家伙刚从监狱里出来。That fellow's got neck enough for anything.这家伙厚颜无耻,什么都干得出来。The man did one helluva job getting it all together.这家伙把事情全都料理妥当了,真是干得不错。The guy's a chump. I could do a better job myself.这家伙是个傻瓜。我自己做可以做得更好。Glover was different to the rest of us. The son of university people. A smart aleck.格洛弗和我们大家都不一样。这家伙父母读过大学,自作聪明。It seems too good to be true. Are you sure this guy's on the level?这似乎好得有些让人不敢相信。你确定这家伙是真心的吗?I can't believe what a putz that guy is.我难以相信这家伙竟是这么个笨蛋。Dave's a really nice guy.戴夫这家伙真不错。The rap on this guy is that he doesn't really care.这家伙据说并不怎么在乎。He's a funny bloke-you never really know what he's thinking.他这家伙很古怪 - 你永远不知道他在想些什么。The guy's a certifiable megastar.这家伙绝对是个超级巨星。Is this guy for real?这家伙是来真的吗?The guy is an absolute joke.这家伙就是个彻头彻尾的笑话。Obviously, this guy's a complete fraud.这家伙显然是个大骗子。I daresay he thought he was above the law. I can't get over the gall of the fellow.我想他以为他能凌驾于法律之上,这家伙的蛮横无理真让人受不了。She's been sleeping with this guy Mark since the summer.她从夏天开始就和马克这家伙上床了。Suddenly this guy waltzed in, and asked for my autograph.突然这家伙大摇大摆走进来,问我要签名。The guy is a complete scumbag.这家伙是个十足的混蛋。The guy is probably just some freak who saw her on TV and decided he loves her.这家伙说不定只是个什么怪人,他在电视上看到她后,就认定自己爱的就是她了。He won again! How about that guy! 他又赢了!这家伙真了不起!He's a nice guy, but a little short on brains.他这家伙人不错,只是有点没脑子。The man did one helluva job getting it all together.这家伙把事情全都安排好了,真是干得不错。What kind of sick freak is this guy?这家伙是个什么样的变态之人?I was walking out to my car when this guy tried to mug me.我正出门朝我的车走去,就在这时这家伙企图对我进行抢劫。The fellow is drunk and he's a bad driver to boot.这家伙喝醉了,而且他是个不高明的驾驶者。This guy got religion about a year back.这家伙一年前信了教。 |