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Out of regard for your father, I shall not dismiss you this time.看在你父亲面上,这回我不开除你。Micky is used to handling dodgy deals but this time fears he may have bitten off more than he can chew.米基习惯于处理棘手的事情,但这回他觉得自己揽下办不了的事了。I'm going on a diet and, so help me, this time I'll stick to it!我要节食,我发誓,这回我一定会坚持下去。Truthfully speaking, there is no such thing as an elixir in the medical world.真实地说,医学上并没有灵丹妙药这回事。When Mark arrived home that afternoon, it was the first he knew for sure of the surprise party.马克那天下午回到家时是他第一次确切知道有惊喜派对这回事。I don't believe in clairvoyance, but I can't explain how he knew those things about my grandmother.我不相信有通灵这回事,但我无法解释他怎么会知道我祖母的那些事情。Come on, cough up, it's your turn to pay.来,掏钱吧,这回轮到你付了。There' s no such thing as open government.没有开放政府这回事。It never happened: you made it all up!根本没有这回事。全是你编的!All right, let's see you wangle out of this one!那好,咱们看看这回你怎么过关吧!Hurry up, we promised we wouldn't be late this time.快点儿,我们答应了这回不迟到的。She's got the laugh on me this time.这回让她笑我了。You ought to have another drink. It's my round.你一定得再喝一杯。这回我请客。She had always been a smart dresser and had on one of her linen frocks.她一向衣着讲究,这回穿的是她众多亚麻连衣裙中的一条。I think they've broken the rules, but I'll let it pass.我认为他们违反了规定,不过这回就算了。You really goofed up this time!这回你可真犯了个愚蠢的错误!The Prime Minister smiled again, this time a trifle frostily.首相又笑了笑,这回有点儿冷冰冰的。What are you having?It's my shout.你要吃些什么? 这回该我请客了。Okay, you two, the game's up! Give me the cigarettes - this time I'm telling your parents.好了,你俩,狐狸尾巴露出来了!把烟给我——这回我可要告诉你们的父母了。I've got the laugh on him this time.这回该我嘲笑他了。 |