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词汇 twitched
例句 She twitched her nose like a rabbit.她像兔子一样抽动了一下鼻子。One of the curtains twitched slightly.其中有幅窗帘微微动了一下。The girl twitched nervously at her collar.女孩紧张不安地扯扯衣领。The wind twitched the paper out of my hand.风吹走了我手中的纸。Sarah twitched the reins, and we moved off.萨拉猛地一拉缰绳,我们出发了。Stern twitched his shoulders.斯特恩抖了抖肩膀。His shoulders twitched with suppressed laughter.他因强忍住笑而肩膀抖动。The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement.他因忍俊不禁而嘴角抽动了一下。A muscle on Yang's face twitched.扬脸上有块肌肉抽搐了一下。Her fingers twitched nervously.她的手指神经质地抽搐着。His left leg twitched.他的左腿抖了一下。A muscle in her neck twitched.她脖子上有块肌肉抽搐起来。Renée's lips twitched with amusement.勒妮觉得好笑,嘴唇抖动着。The cat twitched slightly, and then was still.这只猫轻微地抽搐,然后就不动弹了。The rabbit twitched its ears.兔子突然竖起了耳朵。Roberta's mouth twitched as she tried to stop herself laughing out loud.罗伯塔抽动着嘴巴,拼命地忍住不让自己大声笑出来。The body twitched violently and then lay still.身体剧烈地抽搐了几下之后就一动不动了。Her wide mouth twitched in amusement.她乐得大嘴一抖一抖的。Stern twitched his shoulders.斯特恩抖动着肩膀。The violinist's face twitched in renunciation.小提琴手的脸部因为使劲克制感情而抽搐。The vixen's nose twitched at the scent of food.雌狐的鼻子因嗅到食物的香气而一掀一掀地抽动。His left eyelid twitched involuntarily.他左眼皮不停地跳。He clung to the stick but she twitched it away from him.他紧紧抓住棍子,但是她一把从他手中夺了过来。




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