例句 |
This piece of software has two points in its favour: it's fast and inexpensive.这个软件有两大优势:一是运行速度快,二是价格低廉。Mitsubishi has ramped up the speed of its new micro-controllers.三菱公司已经提高了其新生产的微控制器的运行速度。The program ran so slowly, I had to uninstall it.这个程序运行速度太慢,我得把它卸载了。My computer is slow because it needs more RAM.我的电脑运行速度慢,它需要容量更大的随机存取存储器。The machinery is regulated to a safe running speed.这台机器调到了安全的运行速度。My computer is working slow.我的电脑运行速度慢。 |