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例句 The body arrived for autopsy at the Dallas hospital.尸体被运到达拉斯医院进行解剖。I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.我把一堆垃圾与修剪下的碎草运到了垃圾场。The bags are then shipped to wherever they are destined.然后,这些包会被运到它们应去的地方。Buses were disgorging crowds of tourists onto the beach.巴士汽车把一群群游客运到沙滩上。The statue was transported to London.雕像被运到了伦敦。The luggage arrived safe and sound.行李安然完好运到The troops were hard-set before their supplies came.那支军队在补给品运到之前处境困难。What's the cheapest way of getting our products from A to B?把我们的产品从甲地运到乙地最廉价的方式是什么?The fish are unloaded at dockside and taken right to the market.鱼在码头边卸下来,然后被直接运到市场。The food got through to the fort despite the enemy's attempt to stop it.尽管敌军企图封锁,但粮食还是运到了要塞。The china arrived all in one piece, thank God.瓷器运到时全部都完好无损,谢天谢地。They canoed their pelts down to the Hudson's Bay.他们把毛皮用独木舟运到哈德逊湾公司。It was shipped to a sister company for fabrication into fuel rods.它被装船运到一家姐妹公司生产燃料棒。Millions of live animals are shipped around the world each year.每年有数百万只动物被运到世界各地。One of the side issues that arose was what to do with the old equipment when the new things arrived.出现的其中一个附带问题是:新设备运到后,旧的怎么处理?For smaller projects, the panels are cast in Ottawa and trucked to the location.对于规模较小的工程,镶板是在渥太华铸造然后再用卡车运到工地的。The bear arrived at the zoo in a crate.熊被装在大木箱里运到了动物园。They took the pigs to market.他们把猪运到市场去卖。Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.如果紧急救援物资不能很快运到城中,数千人的生命就会有危险。A large shipment of grain has just arrived.一大批粮食刚运到The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began.食品总算在上周末运到并开始分发。We'll just have to camp out until our furniture arrives.在家具运到之前,我们只好对付着住一下了。From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa.粮食从这些港口运到亚的斯亚贝巴。The package was shipped through to New Orleans.包裹被直接运到了新奥尔良。His luck turned, and he lost all his winnings.他的好运到头,所有赢的钱都输了。Heavy goods could be brought up-river in barges.沉重的货物可用驳船运到上游。The shipment never arrived, and we are holding the freight company entirely responsible.那批货物一直没有运到,我们认为货运公司要负全部责任。They trucked food to the market.他们用卡车将食品运到市场。The steel arrives at the factory in coils.钢材成卷地运到工厂。Most of the aid is being trucked into the city, although some is arriving by boat.大部分的援助物资用卡车运到这座城市,有一小部分是用船运送的。The piano was hurled outside.钢琴用汽车运到了外面。The parts are made in this factory and then shipped to another country for assembly.零部件在这家工厂生产,然后运到另一个国家进行组装。Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.工人们争先恐后地将价值连城的物品运到安全的地方。We carted all the rubbish to the bottom of the garden and burned it.我们把所有的垃圾都运到了花园的尽头烧掉了。The refrigerator was moved into the house on a dolly.冰箱用手推车运到家中。The waste must be taken to an approved disposal facility.废弃物必须运到经批准的处理场所。At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.无论如何,医疗用品将于一星期内运到你那里。Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.潮湿的砖头通过传送带运到另一间棚屋来烘干。The farmer carted his potatoes to the market.那个农民用车把马铃薯运到市场。




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