例句 |
Today can't go fast enough for me.对我来说,今天的时间过得很慢。The rest of the day went very slowly for Anne.那天余下的时间对安妮来说过得很慢。The days seemed to go by very slowly.日子似乎过得很慢。The minutes seemed to be creeping by.时间似乎过得很慢。The time passed slowly/quickly.时间过得很慢/很快。Time hung heavy on his hands.他觉得时间过得很慢。The day seemed to go so slowly.那一天时间似乎过得很慢。Time passes slowly when you're waiting for something.等待时,时间过得很慢。Time drags in this job.这项工作让人感觉时间过得很慢。 |