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词汇 辩论
例句 This argument leads us away from the topic.这场辩论使我们离开了话题。Johnson was party to the debate.约翰逊参与了辩论Union leaders shared the platform with business leaders in a debate on the future of the industry.工会领袖与企业领导就行业的前景同台辩论The Senate debates will continue after the August recess.八月休会期后,参议院的辩论将继续进行。The debate was over how a fully socialized economy might work.这场辩论是关于完全社会主义体制化的经济如何运行。The debate over tax rates figured prominently in the last election.关于税率的辩论在上一次选举中占非常重要的地位。The subtleties of his argument evaded me.他机敏的辩论把我难到了。Congress is debating whether to spend the budget surplus.国会在辩论是否要动用预算结余。This debate is becoming too abstract - let's have some hard facts!这场辩论变得太空洞了,拿出一些具体的事实根据来吧!We could try to persuade them by arguing or, failing that , we could threaten to cancel the deal.我们可以尝试通过辩论说服他们,假如不行,我们就威胁说要取消交易。We must have an informed and reasoned debate of the moral issues involved.对于所涉及的道德问题,我们必须进行一次有理有据的辩论I don't think they can argue the question out tomorrow.我认为明天他们无法将这个问题辩论清楚。They debated the propriety of the punishment that he was given.他们就他所受惩罚的正当性进行了辩论The debate rumbled on through newspaper articles.这场通过报纸文章进行的辩论持续了很长时间。The debate seems, in retrospect, to have been fixed from the beginning.回想起来,这场辩论好像从一开始就被人操纵了。It was in the nature of a debate rather than an argument.这类似于一场辩论,但不是争吵。One of the subjects for debate was the government's power of internment without trial.辩论的主题之一是政府未经审判将人拘留的权力。To add spice to the debate, they disagreed about method and ideology.他们在方法和观念上都持不同意见,这使辩论精彩了很多。They argued in favour / favor of stricter punishments.他们据理辩论,支持施行更严厉的惩罚。Somehow the debate devolved into a petty competition to see who could get more applause.不知为何辩论沦为了一场看谁能得到更多掌声的无聊竞赛。That's a debatable point, not everyone would agree with your opinion.那一点是可以辩论的,并非每个人都会同意你的看法。The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy.主流媒体上的辩论是英国式虚伪的典型例子。The issue was acrimoniously debated.这个问题经过了激烈的辩论Science is peripheral to that debate.科学并非那场辩论的重点。The bill is the focus of the debate.该议案是辩论的焦点。The debate rages on in Congress.激烈的辩论在国会进行。When the debate turned to physics, I knew that I was out of my depth. 辩论转向物理学时,我知道这不是我所能理解的。We won the debate by a narrow margin.这场辩论我们勉强取胜。He fired the opening salvo of the debate.他打响了此次辩论的第一炮。The debate this week was a rematch of last year's.这个星期的辩论还是在去年的两个对手之间进行。The president will open the debate.总统将首先发言,拉开辩论的序幕。The student debates will encompass a range of subjects.学生辩论将涉及到许多主题。The argument still rages on.辩论仍在激烈地进行着。The debating chamber is often simply used as a platform for trading verbal abuse.辩论室经常只被用作是各方恶语相向的一个平台。The political debate stutters on.政治辩论一波三折地艰难进行着。Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.她的辩论才能是在学生会里磨炼出来的。What should have been a civilised debate degenerated into an unseemly row between the two sides.本来应该是一场文明有礼的辩论,结果却演变成了双方不体面的争吵。The debates are renewed with great intensity.辩论又继续激烈地进行下去。The debate about birthing methods is heating up again.又一场关于分娩方法的辩论愈演愈烈。The President debated his challenger in front of a live audience on Tuesday.周二,总统在现场观众面前与挑战者进行了辩论




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