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词汇 辐射
例句 Radiation comes from the sun during solar flares.太阳耀斑会引起辐射The counter showed high levels of radiation.计数器上显示出高强度的辐射She was exposed to high levels of radiation.她受到了高强度辐射There is a clear link between exposure to radiation and some forms of cancer.接触辐射与患某些癌症之间有明显的联系。The level of radiation in the atmosphere is really very small.大气中的辐射水平其实很低。The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.报告披露工人们受到了高强度的辐射Small amounts of radiation were found on their clothing.他们的衣服上发现有少量的辐射The radiation can damage microprocessors and computer memories, causing them to malfunction.辐射会损坏微处理器和储存器,使电脑出故障。Despite the high levels of radiation, people are now moving back into the danger zone.虽然有高强度的辐射,人们现在还是要返回到危险区。The gauge recorded the radiation level and announced it safe to return home.测量仪记录了辐射级,显示可以安全回家了。Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.阳光由不同波长的辐射组成。How much radiation was released into the air?多少辐射进入到了空气中?They were exposed to high levels of radiation.他们被暴露于高强度辐射中。In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.在那次事故中,工人们受到大剂量的辐射Aircraft windows block ultraviolet radiation.航空器舷窗阻止了紫外线辐射We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste.我们还不能放弃选择这种方式来处理高辐射废料。The workers got sick from radiation exposure.工人们因受到辐射而患病。The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin.这些岩石内的高辐射显示它们是火山作用形成的。Local people were exposed to high doses of radiation.当地人受到大量辐射It is well known that radiation can cause mutation.众所周知,辐射可能造成基因突变。It's safe to eat foods that have been irradiated to prolong their shelf life.食用经过辐射杀菌处理、延长了保质期的食品是安全的。The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the Earth.该物质可以吸收地球向外辐射的能量。The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to succeeding generations.原子弹辐射的影响祸及了以后好几代广岛居民。Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.辐射可能以某种前所未知的方式破坏细胞。Wearing the correct type of clothing will reduce the risk from radiation.衣着得当会降低辐射对身体的危害。Doctors have tried zapping tumors with high-voltage radiation.医生试过用高压辐射摧毁肿瘤。Nuclear testing has exposed millions of people to radiation.核试验已使数百万人受到辐射We have benefited from a spillover of prosperity from neighboring states. 我们已经从邻近各州的繁荣所产生的辐射效应中受益。Scientists feel that present levels of radiation pose no threat.科学家们认为当前的辐射水平不会构成威胁。The streets extend radially from the city's center.街道从市中心向外辐射延伸。New technology has a positive spillover effect into countless fields.新技术对无数领域都产生了积极的辐射效应。All the clothes that were affected by radiation had to be incinerated.所有受到辐射的衣服都得焚毁。The general public is constantly exposed to radiation.民众无时无刻不受到辐射的危害。Ozone protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.臭氧层保护地球免受有害紫外线的辐射Neutron bombs release lethal radiation instead of exploding with a lot of heat and wind.中子弹爆炸并不产生强热气流,而是释放致命的辐射Some workers at the power station were exposed to high levels of radiation.这个核电站的一些工人受到了高强度辐射的侵害。The satellite will study energy radiation from stars.这颗人造卫星将用来研究恒星的能量辐射The level of radioactivity in the soil was found to be above recommended limits.土壤的辐射水平被发现超过了规定的限度。Ozone shields the planet from the effects of the sun's ultraviolet radiation.臭氧保护地球不受太阳紫外线辐射的影响。He was occupationally exposed to radiation.由于职业的关系他暴露在辐射之下。




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