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词汇 轻微的
例句 I thought I could detect a slight Canadian accent.我想我可以听得出来一点轻微的加拿大口音。Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.法官们对轻微的违章驾驶开始处以越来越重的罚款。He felt a slight twinge in his damaged hamstring.他受伤的腘绳肌感到一阵轻微的刺痛。There have been some differences of opinion as to exactly how the money should be spent.在这笔钱究竟该怎么花的问题上存在一些轻微的分歧。It was only a minor infection and it cleared up in a week.这只是一次轻微的感染,一周就痊愈了。The fine they gave her is just more or less a slap on the wrist.他们对她开出的罚金不过是一个轻微的警告而已。She suffered only minor cuts and bruises.她只是受了点儿轻微的割伤和挫伤。Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects.即使是轻微的头部创伤也会对心理产生长期影响。There was a bug going around at the club.这个俱乐部流行着一种轻微的传染病。He felt a tiny prick in his arm.他感到手臂上轻微的刺痛。The earthquake caused minor structural damage.这次地震造成了轻微的结构破坏。Minor stomach disorders are common when travelling abroad.在国外旅行时,轻微的胃部不适是常有的事。I had the beginnings of a migraine.我有轻微的偏头痛。The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.这辆车结构粗劣,连轻微的碰撞也经受不起。They were both suffering from a mild bout of flu.他们两个都得了轻微的流感。Both players have been suffering from niggling injuries.两名运动员一直在忍受轻微的伤痛。That adds a slight twist to this battle.那使这场战斗产生了轻微的变化。You'll feel a slight prick in your arm.你的手臂上将有一种轻微的刺痛感。His illness started with a slight cough.他的病是从轻微的咳嗽开始的。He spoke heavily/strongly/slightly accented English.他说英语带有浓重/明显/轻微的异国口音。There is a slight infection in the lung which in itself is not serious.肺部有轻微的感染,这本身并不严重。He has suffered a mild heart attack - nothing too serious.他只是轻微的心脏病发作,并不太严重。The taxi was waiting, its engine chugging quietly.出租车在等着,它的引擎发出轻微的呼哧声。The herb has a mild laxative effect.这种草药有轻微的通便效果。The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull.轻微的前后晃动让他的脑袋感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。Minor bruises can be treated at home.轻微的挫伤可以在家进行处理。Most drugs offer either no real improvement or, at best, only moderate improvements.大多数药物要么不能使病情真正好转,要么最多只能带来轻微的改善。There was a minor disturbance during the demonstration, but nobody was injured.示威活动中发生了一起轻微的骚乱事件,但没有人受伤。He's under heavy/mild sedation.他正处于深度/轻微的镇静状态。A tiny explosion sent sparks flying through the air.一次轻微的爆炸产生的火花在空中四散飞舞。I received a rap on the knuckles for missing the meeting.我因为没去开会受到了轻微的批评。There is a slight hum as the water purifier switches on.开启净水器时会有轻微的嗡嗡声。Gill speaks in a quiet Irish brogue.吉尔说话带有轻微的爱尔兰口音。Many babies develop a mild inflammation in the eyes a few days after birth.许多婴孩出生几天以后眼睛会有轻微的发炎。He has a minor skin complaint.他有轻微的皮肤病。It's not a severe pain, more of a persistent niggle.疼痛并不剧烈,而是那种持续、轻微的疼痛。One important diagnostic feature of this condition is a mild rash.诊断这种疾病的一个重要症状是轻微的皮疹。Photos taken by compact cameras are often dark because they're slightly underexposed.因为存在轻微的曝光不足,袖珍相机拍摄的照片通常比较暗。At most, all they would accomplish was tracking down one moderately corrupt police lieutenant. It seemed a poor catch.他们充其量只是查到一名贪腐情节轻微的警察尉官。这一成绩有点拿不出手。New mothers often complain of lethargy and mild depression.初为人母者经常抱怨说身体疲倦乏力,感到轻微的抑郁。




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