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词汇 高额
例句 The president has threatened to impose punitive import duties/tariffs on a variety of foreign goods.总统已威胁说要对一批外国货物征收高额进口税。We are starting to feel the pinch of high fuel costs.高额的燃料支出开始让我们感到手头拮据。Are you a higher rate taxpayer, or do you pay the basic rate?你是高额纳税人还是按基本比率纳税?The high mortgage payments put them under severe financial stress.高额的按揭贷款给他们带来极大的经济压力。Any company found to be breaking these rules will be heavily fined.任何违反这些规定的公司都会被处以高额罚款。Because of her medical and her legal bills, she is now penniless and deeply in debt.因为高额的医疗和诉讼费用,她现在已是身无分文,债务缠身。The view was that mortgage securities had been depressed by heavy sales by thrifts and were now attractive.这个观点认为,抵押证券曾因储蓄机构的高额销量而价格下跌,而今变得有吸引力了。The victory was achieved at great cost to the country's infrastrucure.这一胜利是在国家投入高额基础设施费用的基础上实现的。Companies will come together because of the sheer costs involved in globalizing their businesses.商业全球化需要的高额成本将使各家公司走到一起。People who discard their litter in the streets should have to pay heavy fines.在街上乱丢废物的人应该付高额罚款。She won the court case, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because she had to pay so much in legal fees.她赢了这场官司,但得不偿失,因为她得支付高额诉讼费。The company gives a generous mileage allowance.公司发高额的按英里里程计算的交通补贴。The company could now face higher fuel bills.公司现在可能面对更高额的燃料费用。The heavy fines should deter people from dumping garbage here.高额罚款应该能阻止人们在此处乱倒垃圾。High petrol taxes are defensible on ecological grounds.从保护生态环境的角度来讲,征收高额汽油税是有道理的。Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.大多数人都认识到需要用高额聘金来吸引精英人才。Legislators are getting ready to sock it to homeowners with high property tax increases.立法委员们准备对业主强行征收高额财产税。With the cold weather and the high cost of heating fuel, homeowners were hit with a double whammy this winter.由于寒冷的天气和高额的取暖燃料费,房主们今年冬天遭受了双重打击。High levels of debt are a major barrier to economic development.高额负债是经济发展的主要障碍。People are getting soaked by city taxes.人们正被征收各项高额的城市税。Most residents live in tiny apartments and pay over the odds for them too.大部分居民居住在狭小的公寓里,还要支付高额房租。She was given a large fine and a two-year driving ban.她被处以高额罚金和禁止驾车两年。They have been amply rewarded with huge salaries.他们获得了高额薪水的丰厚回报。He had to pay a fat fine.他不得不支付高额罚款。She charged them an exorbitant rent.她对他们收取高额租金。The promise of future riches draws many young people into professional sports.有可能获得高额收入的希望吸引许多年轻人投身于职业体育之中。That bank charges a high commission for overseas withdrawals.那家银行对海外提款收取高额的费用。People skilled in these arts could command good fees for their services.精于这类技艺的人们提供的服务可获得高额酬金。Many people are now stuck with expensive fixed-rate mortgages.许多人目前都有高额的定息按揭缠身。The senator has been criticized for expensive junkets to foreign countries.那位参议员因高额的公款境外旅行而受到指责。The high rents are pricing some people out of the market.高额的租金使一些人望而却步。Faster service may sugar the pill of higher fees.快捷的服务或许可以让高额的收费变得易于让人接受。Both brands had heavy advertising expenditure.两个品牌都投入了高额的广告费用。The government taxed fuel highly in order to finance the national debt.政府征收高额燃料税为国债筹资。The fines are large enough to be an effective deterrent against speeding.高额罚金对于超速驾驶足以起到有效的威摄作用。




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