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词汇 轻信
例句 People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.人们说这是个自私的社会,但坦白地说,我看过太多善良、自我牺牲和慷慨之举,因此不会轻信这个说法。Trustful birds have built their nests.轻信的鸟儿已筑起了巢。How could she swallow such a blatant lie?她怎么能轻信这个弥天大谎呢?There are any number of miracle cures on the market for people gullible enough to buy them.市场上有好多种所谓的奇效药,专门诱骗那些轻信的人掏腰包。Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy?你有没有轻信过有关肯尼迪总统遇刺的阴谋论?She's surely not so naive as to believe his story.她肯定不会轻信他编造的故事。Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists.仿古希腊陶器的塑料复制品被卖给轻信的游客。What point is there in admitting that the stories fed to the gullible public were false?.承认向轻信媒体的公众提供了不实报道有何意义呢?Quinn charmed credulous investors out of millions of dollars.奎因花言巧语从轻信的投资者那里骗取了数百万美元。He'll pawn the car off on/onto some unsuspecting fool if he can.如果可能的话,他将把车高价卖给某个轻信的傻瓜。Credulous investors were persuaded to part with large sums of money.轻信的投资者被说服投入了大笔资金。He has outgrown his credulity.他已长大成熟而不再轻信Few people are credulous enough to believe such nonsense.几乎没有人会如此轻信这样的无稽之谈。Millions of readers lapped the story up.许许多多的读者轻信了这篇报道。That story strains my credulity.那个故事太离谱,使我不敢轻信Child that he was, he did not believe what she said.他虽然是个小孩,却并没有轻信她的话。You shouldn't be so trusting - people take advantage of you.你不应该这样轻信别人——会被人利用的。Was she taking part of the blame for her own gullibility?她是否也责怪自己太轻信了呢?People can become vulnerable to the siren song of extremism.人们可能会轻信极端主义的蛊惑言辞。Perhaps I was too trusting.也许我太轻信了。He was too trusting-or, to put it another way, he had no head for business.他太轻信别人,或者换句话说,他没有商业头脑。Salesmen sold a gullible public the wrong pensions policies.推销员把有问题的养老保险卖给轻信的老百姓。Sometimes you're too trusting. You shouldn't lend money to anyone who says they need it.有时你太轻信了,你不应该把钱借给任何说自己需要钱的人。How can you be so gullible! He's not really French.你怎么这样轻信别人呢!他不是真的法国人。Advertisers were accused of exploiting consumers' credulity.广告商被指责利用了客户对他们的轻信I trusted his fair promises.轻信了他那些花言巧语的允诺。Shady financiers had no difficulty in finding gullible customers.声誉不佳的金融业主要找到轻信的顾客是没有困难的。His greatest trouble was his gullibility.他最大的缺陷在于轻信He's never told me, he's not that confiding.他从未告诉过我,他不是那样轻信别人的。He practised on their credulity with huge success.他利用他们的轻信大获成功。She cursed herself for being so raw to believe anything.她骂自己太幼稚,不管什么事都轻信She hated the modern credulous popular faith in occult powers.她讨厌时下盛行的因轻信产生的对超自然力量的迷信。




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