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词汇 轻伤
例句 She survived the accident without serious injury. 她在此次事故中幸存下来,仅受了点轻伤She fell down and got a boo-boo.她摔倒了,受了点轻伤He escaped with minor injuries.他逃了出来,受了点轻伤The occupants of the second car suffered minor injuries.第二辆轿车上的人受了点轻伤She suffered some minor injuries in the accident.她在事故中受了点轻伤The car was a complete wreck, but the driver escaped with minor injuries.这辆汽车彻底成了一堆残骸,但司机仅受了点轻伤The boy was treated for a minor head wound.那个男孩因头部轻伤接受了治疗。He escaped with only minor injuries.他逃过了这一劫,仅仅受了点轻伤One of the officers sustained minor injuries in the fire.其中一名高级职员在火灾中受了轻伤Six soldiers were slightly injured when a grenade exploded in a nearby truck.附近一辆卡车上一个手榴弹爆炸,六名士兵受了轻伤His car hit a wall, but he escaped with just cuts and bruises.他的汽车撞到了墙上,不过他只是受了点轻伤She fell off her horse, but suffered only minor injuries.她从马上摔下来,但只受了点轻伤They were only slightly injured in the crash.他们在撞车事故中只受了点轻伤The houses were set afire but there were only minor injuries to three residents.房屋被点燃了,不过只有三位居民受了轻伤The boy was treated for a minor head wound.那个男孩头部轻伤,接受了治疗。An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries.一位有经验的护士处理所有的轻伤He got off very lightly in the accident.他在意外事故中只受了点轻伤One of the occupants of the car was slightly injured.有一位乘车者受了轻伤Four crewmen were killed, and one other was slightly injured.四名船员丧生,还有一人受了轻伤The pilot bailed out of the aircraft just in time and was only slightly injured.飞行员及时跳伞逃出了飞机,只是受了一点轻伤




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