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That Italian restaurant is nowhere near as good since it changed hands.那家意大利餐馆自从转手后就一落千丈。That house has changed hands several times in the last few months.那所房子最近几个月内已转手好几次。They buy paintings at auctions, mark them up, and then resell them at a vast profit to collectors.他们在拍卖会上购买画作,再加价转手卖给收藏家,赚取高额利润。They acquire the land in order to be able to sell it advantageously to the government.他们购下这块土地,目的是在转手给政府时能够从中渔利。They buy it at a low price and sell it on for a huge profit.他们低价买进,转手高利润卖出。No money actually changed hands.实际上钱并没有转手。The house has changed hands three times in the last two years.在过去的两年中,这房子已转手三次了。If too much publicity is given to the theft of important works, the works will become too hot to handle and be destroyed.如果重要作品遭窃一事被大肆报道,这些作品就会因为难以转手而被销毁。Money circulates as it goes from person to person.货币转手就是流通。Mr Farrier bought cars at auctions and sold them on.法里尔先生在拍卖会上拍下汽车,而后又将其转手。 |