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词汇 做起
例句 He started as the low man on the totem pole and worked his way up to be manager.他从基层做起,辛勤的工作终于使他升任经理。He then began dealing in heroin.后来他就做起了海洛因买卖。We started from scratch with no preconceived ideas.我们是毫无成见从零做起的。He'd be better off starting with something simpler.他最好从比较简单的事做起A few clever students have started a business recycling old computers.一些头脑聪明的学生已经做起了回收旧电脑的生意。I'd built up a number of contacts in the world of graphic design, so in the end I went freelance.我在平面设计界建立了一些联系,因此到最后我做起了自由职业。Stop complaining and just go with the flow!不要抱怨了,就从最容易的事做起吧!Mark had begun to daydream, and didn't even hear the teacher's question.马克开始做起了白日梦,甚至没听见老师的问题。He set up shop as an independent PR consultant.他自己开公司,做起了独立公共关系顾问。He started two years ago as an admin assistant, and worked his way up to the top.他两年前从一个行政助理做起,渐渐地升到了高层。She started as an administrative assistant and worked her way to the top.她从行政助理做起,一直做到最高层。Richard started out at the bottom of the firm and worked his way to the top.理查德从公司低层做起,一步一步升至最高职位。She's thrown herself into this new job.她满怀热情地做起了这份新工作。She did her job with emotionless efficiency.做起事来很麻利,不带任何情感。He began his career as a sound editor.他是从声音剪辑师做起的。You'll have to start from zero if you can't find your notes.你若找不到笔记,那就只能从零开始做起She found the job overwhelming at first.她一开始觉得这项工作无从做起From these small beginnings it grew into the vast company we know today.这家企业从一点一滴做起,发展成为今天我们所知的大公司。His passive attitude made things easier for me.他顺从的态度使我做起事来容易了一些。He set up a shop as an independent PR consultant.他自己开公司,做起了独立的公关顾问。The company's new CEO started at the bottom and worked her way up.公司新任首席执行官是从基层做起、一步步被提拔上来的。The two women struck up a friendship when they met on holiday.这两位女子在度假时遇上,就做起朋友来。He started as an office boy and worked his way to the top.他由一个办公室打杂的做起,一直做到高层。She began her ascent up the corporate ladder as a secretary. 她从秘书做起,在公司的职位逐渐上升。Belloni started her bakery business by peddling her homemade bread to local stores.贝洛妮的面包店生意是从她向当地商店推销她自制的面包做起的。Many had come off the dole and set up their own small businesses.许多人不再靠领取失业救济金生活,自己做起了小生意。I drifted off in a daydream during the class.上课时我做起了白日梦,迷迷糊糊地睡着了。In business, start small and don't get in over your head.在生意方面,从小的做起,不要贪大而做不了。She always does things the hard way.做起事来总是费力不讨好。The potential high flyers of the diplomatic service usually join as administrative trainees.有望在外交事业上展翅高飞的人一般总是先从行政事务的实习生做起She gambled everything she owned to start the business.她孤注一掷做起了这档生意。He started at the bottom of the ladder and worked his way up to success.他从最低微的工作做起,发奋努力,一路升迁取得了成功。I started this business with the aim of making a profit.我为了赚钱做起这个生意。After listening carefully to my advice, she proceeded to do the exact opposite!她仔细听了我的劝告之后,开始做起完全相反的事情来!She's no slouch when it comes to cooking. 做起饭来,她可是得心应手。He performs his duties very ably.做起工作来得心应手。Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.很多人事经理最初是从秘书或人事助理做起,然后慢慢升上去的。Geoff has launched himself into fatherhood with great enthusiasm.杰夫满怀热情地做起了父亲。Colin began to daydream about what he would do if he won the lottery.科林开始做起了白日梦,幻想要是他赢了彩票,他要做些什么。




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