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词汇 车里
例句 I wish my car had air conditioning.我真希望我车里有空调。It was a squeeze in the car with five of them.他们五个人坐在车里,有点挤。It's a real squash with six people in the car.车里坐六个人实在太挤了。Police found an illegal substance in his car.警察在他的车里发现了违禁品。We'd only been in the car two minutes when David said he felt sick.我们刚坐进车里两分钟,戴维就说自己感到恶心。He was found dead in his fume-filled car.他被发现死在了自己充满毒气的车里They were trapped inside the crushed car and had to be cut free. = They had to be cut from the car.他们被困在压扁的车里,只有把汽车切开才能脱身。We loaded our luggage in/into the car and drove off.我们把行李装进车里,驾车离开。The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning.那名司机设法从车里逃了出来并大声警告别人。He pictured Claire sitting out in the car, waiting for him.他想象克莱尔坐在外面车里等他的情景。You'd better wrap that mirror up in newspaper before you put it in the car.你最好用旧报纸把那面镜子包一下再放进车里He hefted his bag into the car.他把自己的包扛到车里Don't leave your camera in the car.不要把相机放在车里I was relieved to get back in the car and hit the road again.回到车里重新上路后,我松了一口气。Your phone can be plugged into the cigarette lighter socket in your car.你的电话可以插到车里的点烟器插座上。Tell Mac to siphon petrol out of his wagon.让马克把他车里的汽油抽出来。He killed the engine and got out of the car.他关掉发动机,从车里出来。The device exploded, throwing Mr Taylor from his car.那个装置爆炸了,把泰勒先生从车里抛了出去。The robbers made their getaway in a stolen car, which was waiting for them outside the bank.劫匪钻进一辆偷来的车里逃跑了,那车就停在银行外面接应他们。He objected that the chair was too big to fit in the car.他反对的理由是这把椅子太大,车里放不下。The car is packed solid with all our camping paraphernalia.车里塞满了我们的露营装备。Harold jumped out of the car just before it went over the cliff.就在汽车从悬崖边翻落下去之前,哈罗德从车里跳了出来。Have you got room for another one in your car?你的车里还能再坐一个人吗?He was in his car.他坐在他的车里The police examined hair and bits of fiber found in the victim's car.警察检验了在受害者车里发现的毛发和少量纤维。The bed comes to pieces, so we can fit it in the car.这张床能拆卸,所以我们可以把它放进车里She sat in the car and revved the engine while she waited for us.她坐在车里并在等待我们的同时调高了发动机转速。The car smelled faintly of cigarettes.车里隐隐散发出香烟味。Two of the trucks were stopped because they had tents in them, and under the commanders' definition of humanitarian aid, that didn't count.其中两辆卡车被拦住了,因为车里装着帐篷,而根据指挥官对人道主义援助的定义,那不符合标准。If you can't fit all the bags in your car, I can take a few in mine.如果你的车里装不下所有的袋子,可以在我的车里放几个。We piled the kids into the van.我们让孩子们挤进了车里They all piled into Jerrold's car.他们一窝蜂地挤进杰罗尔德的车里Her boss's laptop got stolen from her car.她老板的笔记本电脑被人从她车里偷走了。Terrorists had booby-trapped his car.恐怖分子在他的车里放置了饵雷。Will there be enough room for Joey in the car?车里还能坐得下乔伊吗?Do you have a spare seat in your car?你的车里还有空位吗?Why are the contents of the next person's shopping trolley always more alluring than one's own?为什么旁边人购物车里的东西看起来总是比自己车里的更诱人呢?Emma loaded all the groceries into the car.埃玛把所有的食品杂货装进车里Are the kids safely fastened into their car seats?车里的孩子们都系好安全带了吗?The car was packed to the gills for our vacation.车里塞满了我们度假用的东西。




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