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词汇 piling
例句 It wasn't long before the debts were piling up.没多久就债台高筑了。I've got a huge backlog of work that's been piling up while I was on holiday.有一堆工作等着我做,都是我外出度假时积攒下来的。Tumbleweeds bounced across the highway, piling against barbed-wire fences.风滚草飘过公路,堆积在路边的铁丝网护栏上。These policies could be piling up financial trouble for future governments.这些政策可能会给将来的政府造成大量的财政问题。I know I'm piling it on a bit, but there is a serious point to be made.我知道我有点夸张了,不过有一点很重要我要提一提。We called the police when we noticed her newspapers and mail were piling up.我们注意到她家的报纸和邮件越堆越多,便叫来警察。People began piling out of the house.人们从房子里蜂拥而出。Our work is piling up.我们的工作越积越多。All the time the bills were piling up.账单一直有增无减。Stop piling it on. I know the work: it's not so difficult as you said.别夸张了!我知道这工作没你所说的那么艰难。Mail was still piling up in the office.邮件依然堆在办公室里。A group of boys were piling branches in a heap for their bonfire.一群男孩子正在把树枝堆成一堆,准备燃起篝火。After the first few negative reviews, all the other critics started piling on.最初的几个负面评论出现之后,其他的评论家都开始随声附和。Mail was still piling up at the office.办公室里的邮件仍在往上堆。The light was failing rapidly. Above the ridges fat thunderheads were piling up.天色迅速地暗下,山岭上方浓浓的大团雷雨云砧正在堆积起来。She's been piling up money ever since she got the job.自从得了那份工作以来,她一直在攒钱。He was piling clothes into the suitcase.他在把衣服一件件叠放进手提箱中。The traffic starts piling up around this time.差不多这个时候交通就开始拥堵了。I know you wanted a bit of sympathy, but you were really piling it on.我知道你想博得一丝同情,但你真的太夸张了。He was piling on the charm.他越来越有魅力了。Leaves blew across the park, piling against the railings.树叶吹过公园,堆积在栏杆边。Their debts are piling up.他们的债务越欠越多。Problems were piling up at work.工作中的问题越积越多。You're really piling it on with the compliments tonight, Gareth, aren't you!你今晚的确恭维得过分了,不是吗,加雷思?Her work is piling up.她的工作越积越多。The debts just kept piling up.债务越积越多。Yes, the bank keep piling these outrageous charges on my bank account with great regularity.是呀,银行经常会从我的账户里收取这些骇人的费用。Uncollected rubbish is already piling up on the streets.未清收的垃圾已经堆满了街道。The gates have opened and the crowd are piling in.大门打开了,人群蜂拥而入。Okay, I'll give you some money - just stop piling on the agony.好吧,我给你些钱——用不着说得那么可怜。They came in by the trainload, piling off at the New York terminal.他们是乘火车来的,在纽约站拥挤着下了车。The teacher punished the class by piling on more work. 为惩罚这个班的学生,老师给他们布置了更多的作业。The work just keeps on piling up and makes me want to scream.工作不断堆积起来,让我真想尖叫。




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