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词汇 车位
例句 Bob reversed into a parking space.鲍勃把车倒进一个车位She managed to manoeuvre expertly into the parking space.她熟练地将车子驶进了车位When I pulled out of the space, I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me.我把车从车位开出来时,蹭到了前面那辆车的后保险杠。The car inched forward into the narrow parking space.汽车慢慢地驶进狭窄的车位The house has a grassy garden area and double lock-up garage with additional storage space.这座房子有一块青草葱茏的花园和带额外储存空间的双车位加锁车库。I parked and cut the ignition.我把车停进车位,然后熄了火。In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it.在日本要登记一辆汽车,车主必须先要有车位Two men fighting over a parking space were arrested earlier today.争夺车位的两名男子今天早些时候被拘捕了。Car-parks are few, crammed, and outrageously expensive.停车场数量少,车位挤,并且停车费高得离谱。Some joker left his car in my parking space.某个笨蛋把车停在我的车位上了。There is a car park for residents of the apartments, with one space allotted to each flat.有一个供公寓居民使用的停车场,每套公寓分配一个车位There is ample parking in front of the building.大楼前车位充足。I've never been very good at reversing into tight parking spaces.我一向都不大会倒车停进狭小的车位Car parks are few, crammed, and outrageously expensive.停车场数量少,车位挤,而且停车费还高得离谱。Parking in his space is just looking for trouble.在他的车位上停车简直就是自找麻烦。Cars allowed, but parking is limited.车辆准许进入,但是车位有限。There is garage space for three cars.有可停放三部小汽车的车位There are never any parking spaces free at this time of day.这个时候从来没有空的车位He maneuvered the car into position.他熟练地将车开进车位The driver carefully jockeyed the truck into a narrow space in the crowded parking lot.司机小心翼翼地将卡车停进拥挤的停车场中一个狭窄车位I don't know, however many notices I put up, people still park in my space.我不明白,不管我贴了多少告示,人们还是在我的车位泊车。The Exhibition Centre is a great day out, with plenty of parking and all the attractions of Manchester close at hand.到展览中心玩一天很不错,那里车位多,而且曼彻斯特所有的景点都在近旁。




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