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词汇 身穿
例句 They wore tie-dyes and ponchos.他们身穿扎染衣服和披风。She wore a dark blue dress with matching shoes.身穿一条暗蓝色的裙子,脚蹬一双搭配得体的鞋。She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top.身穿迷你裙和紧身上衣走下了飞机。He wore a somber suit.身穿一件暗色外套。They wear shooting coats in tweed or rubberised cotton.他们身穿粗花呢或挂胶棉布料的狩猎装。She wore a black dress and a pair of kitten heels.身穿黑色裙子,脚踏一双低跟鞋。Tourists walked around gawking at the people in traditional costumes.游客们走来走去,瞪着一双大眼看着那些身穿传统服饰的人。He wore old jeans, with incongruously smart shoes.身穿一条老旧的牛仔裤,鞋子却非常时髦,显得不伦不类。The girls wore bright frilly dresses and were drenched in cheap perfume.女孩们身穿艳丽的有饰边的连衣裙,还喷了满身廉价香水。The players wore shirts with the sponsor's logo.运动员身穿带有赞助商标志的衬衫。She always wears pastel colours.她总是身穿淡色衣服。They were decked out in tracksuits, seemingly to dissimulate their true function.他们身穿田径服,似乎想掩饰他们的真实职能。A man in a neat gray suit sat on the other side of the bar.一个男子身穿整洁的灰色西服,坐在酒吧的另一头。He showed up for the interview wearing some grungy old sweatshirt and jeans.面试时,他身穿又脏又破的长袖运动衫和牛仔裤出现在大家面前。He was wearing a pinstripe suit.身穿细条纹西装。She was decked out in furs.身穿皮毛服装。She was in her white robe girt with silver.身穿白色长袍,系着银色腰带。He wore a dark suit with a necktie in a contrasting color.身穿深色西服,戴一条颜色鲜艳的领带。The photo shows him dressed in leather, straddling a motorbike.照片上他身穿皮装,跨坐在摩托车上。All of a sudden a tall man in a black cloak loomed out of the murk.一位身穿黑斗篷的高大男人突然从黑暗中耸现。She wore a pink skirt with a matching top.身穿一条粉色裙子和一件与之相配的上衣。For the dress rehearsal, the cast will be in full costume.演员们将身穿全套戏装参加彩排。The pipers dressed in traditional Scottish costume gave us a warm welcome.身穿传统苏格兰服装的风笛手们对我们表示热烈欢迎。He wore his gray suit to the job interview.身穿灰色西装前去工作面试。He wore his ethnic heritage as a badge of honor. 身穿自己民族的服饰,倍感骄傲。She is wearing a long black dress.身穿一袭黑色长裙。A man in a tuxedo announced each guest as they arrived.一位身穿小晚礼服的男士向大家宣告每一位宾客的到来。There everyone was celebrating a holiday in full regalia.那里人人身穿盛装在庆祝节日。I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit.身穿一套帅气的藏青色西服。Members outfit themselves in Civil War clothing.成员身穿内战时期的服装。She's wearing a slinky black mini-skirt.身穿一条紧身的黑色迷你裙。He was attired in a plain, mud-flecked uniform.身穿一件朴素的制服,上面满是泥点。He wore a tight-fitting neoprene wetsuit.身穿一套紧身的橡胶潜水服。The king was dressed in red robes.国王身穿红色长袍。They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles.他们身穿迷彩服,手持自动步枪。The bar was full of lairy, pint-swilling lads.酒吧里到处都是身穿足球运动衫、纵情畅饮的年轻人。He appeared, garbed in a russet gown and black sheepskin.他出现了,身穿一件赤褐色长袍和黑色羊皮外衣。She was dressed in yellow.身穿黄色衣服。She was wearing a stylish Dior number.身穿一条时尚的迪奥长裙。A tanned blonde in a bikini swims languidly in the clear swimming pool.一位身穿比基尼泳装、皮肤晒成古铜色的金发女郎在清澈的泳池里慵懒地游着泳。




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