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词汇 身份证
例句 He said ID cards would make it easier to deport illegals.他说发放身份证会使驱逐非法居民变得容易一些。The Home Secretary denied that the introduction of identity cards would lead to a police state.内政大臣否认推行身份证会使国家变成一个警察国家。The immigration service is concerned about a thriving black market in phoney ID cards and working permits.移民局担心黑市伪造身份证和工作许可证的生意越来越畅旺。He flashed his identification card.他亮了一下自己的身份证The introduction of an ID card would save people from having to ferret around for their papers.采用身份证能免去人们四处翻找各种证件的麻烦。He has no identity papers on him.他没随身带身份证He produced his ID for the security guard.他向保安人员出示了身份证That security guy never recognizes me. I always have to show him my ID.那名保安从来都不认得我。我总得给他看我的身份证Every employee will carry an identity card at all times.每位员工都必须随时携带身份证Showing her his identity card went some way towards allaying her suspicions.他向她出示了身份证,这多少减轻了她的怀疑。The guards demanded to see her I.D. before they allowed her in the building.守卫坚持要看了她的身份证后才放她进大楼。He turned, and offered his identity card.他转过身来,出示了身份证In future, staff must wear identity badges at all times.从今以后,员工必须一直佩戴身份证章。For the first time in many years, I got carded.这么多年来,头一回有人要我出示身份证Everyone has to show their identity cards at the entrance to the building.在大楼的入口,每个人都必须出示身份证The doorman asked me gruffly for my identity card.门卫语气生硬地问我要身份证Members of the public cannot enter the building unless they have an identity card.公众没有身份证不能进入那幢大楼。The bus was stopped and silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards.公交车被拦住了,警察检查身份证时,乘客们鸦雀无声。Many people think that compulsory ID cards interfere with personal liberty.许多人认为强制性的身份证干涉了个人自由。Blacks are more likely to be carded by disco doormen.在迪斯科舞厅门口,黑人比其他人更有可能被要求出示身份证They want to introduce a system of identity cards.他们想推行身份证制度。You should have your identity card with you at all times.你应该随身带着身份证Without exception, all employees must carry their identity card with them at all times.所有雇员无一例外地任何时候都要带着身份证They must show their passports or identity cards.他们必须出示护照或身份证She flashed her ID card at the security man.她向保安人员亮了一下身份证The introduction of identity cards has been opposed by the campaign for civil liberties.身份证的实行遭到了公民自由运动的反对。The official looked at her identity card carefully and then handed it back to her.那个官员仔细查看了她的身份证,然后还给了她。You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas, such as a Texas ID card.你必须有在得克萨斯州的居住证明,比如得克萨斯身份证Registrars checked the ID cards of prospective voters.登记员核对未来投票人的身份证




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