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词汇 darker
例句 He concealed his darker side behind a veneer of respectability.他将自己阴暗的一面隐藏在体面的外表之下。There's a darker side to his character.他的性格中有更阴暗的一面。After his arrest people realized that there had always been a darker side to his nature.他被捕后,人们意识到在他的性格中一直有较为黑暗的一面。The male of the species has darker feathers.该物种雄性的羽毛颜色更深。I also let my hair go darker and grew out my fringe.我还把头发的颜色染深,并把刘海儿留长了。The gathering storm had made the day even darker than was usual at this hour.即将到来的暴风雨使得天空看起来比平时这个时候更昏暗。The wood was grained with a darker colour on top.木头的表面漆成了深色的纹路。It is generally true that the darker the fruit the higher its iron content.一般来说,水果颜色越深,含铁量就越高。There was a sense of menace as the sky grew darker.天色越来越暗,出现了一片恐怖的景象。Her writing shows a fascination for the darker side of life.她的作品表现出对生活中阴暗面的强烈兴趣。It's getting darker outside.外面越来越黑。I always suspected there was a darker side to his character.我总怀疑他的性格有阴暗的一面。As the sky grew darker, the stars came out one by one.天色渐暗,星星一颗颗地出来了。There was a darker side to his character.他的性格里有阴险的一面。The gathering storm had made the day even darker than was usual at this hour.密布的阴云使天空比往常这个时候更加阴暗了。It's gey dark and getting darker.天色相当黑,而且越来越黑了。His jokes are often about the darker side of life.他的笑话经常是关于生活黑暗面的。The leaves start out a pale green, and later get darker.树叶开始是淡绿色,后来颜色变深了。I had continually pushed my doubts to the darker recesses of my mind.我一直把怀疑深深地隐藏在心中。Despite these superficial resemblances, this is a darker work than her earlier novels.尽管表面上有一些相似之处,但这本著作实际要比她以前的小说悲观。Our meat is darker and marbled, which means it's moister and tastier.我们的肉颜色更深而且肥瘦相间,这就意味着它的水分更足,也更可口。The skin under the eyes was perceptibly darker than it had been earlier.眼睛下面皮肤的颜色显然比以前黑多了。There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him.在他更为隐秘的潜意识深处,有什么事情困扰着他。Perhaps a darker tone would be better.可能再深一点的色调更好。We had ignored the fact that it was getting darker.我们忽略了天越来越黑这一情况。The nights were growing darker.夜变得越来越黑了。The days draw in and the mornings get darker.天黑得越来越早,天亮得越来越晚。Confessional writing is a first-person style distinguished by revelations of a person's heart and darker motivations.自白性写作是一种第一人称文体,其特点是揭示人的内心和阴暗动机。It is generally true that the darker the fruit, the higher its iron content.一般来说,水果颜色越深,含铁量就越高。




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