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例句 I trod in some mud in the park, and tracked it into the house.我在公园里踩到泥巴,一路踏回家中。The elephant almost stomped on them.大象差点就重重地踩到他们。He had stepped into a bear trap covered in snow.踩到了埋在雪里的一个捕熊夹。He stepped on the power line and was nearly electrocuted.踩到了输电线,差点被电死。Ow, you trod on my foot, you clumsy brute!噢,你踩到我脚了,你这个笨家伙!I tried to reach the foot brakes but I couldn't.我试图去够脚刹,但是没能踩到Be careful not to tread on the flowers.小心不要踩到花。My men walk close behind me, in my footsteps, almost stepping on my heels.我的人紧跟在我后面,沿着我的足迹走,几乎踩到了我的脚后跟。It's bad luck to step on the cracks in the pavement.踩到人行道上的裂缝是很倒霉的事。Try not to walk on the flower beds when weeding or hoeing.拔草和锄地时尽量不要踩到花坛。Don't step in the puddle.踩到水坑里。I accidentally stepped on the dog's foot and it yelped.我不小心踩到了狗的爪子,结果它尖叫起来。We had to keep our eyes on the sandy path to avoid the roots and rocks in the way.我们只得很小心地看着沙石路走,免得踩到路上的根茎和石块。I accidentally stepped on her toe.我不小心踩到了她的脚趾。He doesn't seem able to dance without stamping on his partner's feet.他跳舞时似乎不可避免地要踩到舞伴的脚。He was late and the road was clear, so he floored it.因为已经迟到而且道路空旷,所以他把油门踩到了底。I accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the birds to take flight.我无意中踩到了一根小树枝,把鸟群惊飞了。She adjusted the car seat so she could reach the pedals.她调整车座以便能够踩到踏板。He tromped the accelerator to the floor.他把油门踏板踩到底。I hear a loud grating sound whenever I step on the brake.每次踩到刹车我都会听到刺耳的声音。My cat hissed when I stepped on its tail.我的猫被我踩到尾巴时,嘶地惨叫了一声。Sorry! Did I step on your toes?对不起!我是不是踩到你的脚了? He unwarily trod upon a viper asleep just before his feet.他不小心踩到正睡在他脚前的蛇上。I just stood in something disgusting.我刚踩到了让人恶心的什么东西。I stepped on a nail sticking out of the floorboards.踩到了地板上凸出来的一颗钉子。When the light turned green, he floored it. 当交通灯变成绿灯时,他把油门踩到底,飞速地开走了。Sorry, did I step on your foot?对不起,我踩到你的脚了吗?I stepped in dog doo-doo. 踩到了狗屎。Be careful, you big lummox, you just stamped on my foot!小心点儿,你这个大笨蛋,你刚好踩到我的脚上了!Try not to step on your partner's toes.留心别踩到舞伴的脚趾。He had not stepped on her toes once.他一次都没踩到过她的脚趾。She jumped back to avoid getting trampled.她向后一跳,以免被踩到She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train.她在拥挤的通勤列车上不小心踩到了他的脚。He had to be careful and not step upon any live wires.他不得不小心翼翼,以免踩到带电的电线。She stamped on my toe!踩到我的脚趾了!His feet met the tumble of clothing.他的双脚踩到了乱糟糟的一堆衣服。He accidentally stepped on a nail.他不小心踩到了一颗钉子。




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