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词汇 跳进
例句 They wrenched open the passenger doors and jumped into her car.他们使劲拽开后座车门,跳进了她的车子。Everyone jumped into/in the pool.人们纷纷跳进游泳池。He jumped into a cab and told the jockey to go to the Union Station.跳进一辆出租车,要司机开到联邦车站去。A tourist jumped into the canal to fish the boy out.一位游客跳进运河去救那个男孩。The train was already in motion when he jumped in.当他跳进车厢时,火车已开动了。He signalled a taxi from the rank, and leaped into it.他举手向停车处招来一辆出租车,一步跳进车内。He disappeared into the water with a splash.他扑通一声跳进水里不见了。The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea.孩子们肆无忌惮地脱光衣服,跳进海里。She jumped into the swimming-pool.跳进游泳池。 She jumped into the dinghy and shoved off.跳进小艇,离岸而去。Bathers would go straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge.游泳者从闷热的房间里走出来就直接跳进冷水。He hesitated for a second and then dived.他犹豫片刻之后跳进水里。The mule leapt into the stream, but they still gave chase.骡子跳进小河,但他们还是紧追不舍。Dieter threw off his clothes and dived into the water.迪特尔迅速脱掉衣服跳进水里。I tore my sweaty clothes off and jumped into the shower.我匆匆脱下汗津津的衣服,跳进淋浴间。We all jumped in the water and swam around.我们都跳进水里,来回游了起来。The assassin jumped into the elevator shaft.那个刺客跳进了升降机井。He tore off his clothes and dived into the water.他扒下衣服就跳进水里。As instructed, I cut my lifeline to the bank and leapt into unproven waters.像指示的那样,我把我的生命线系到了银行上跳进了这未知的领域里。The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea.孩子们正无所顾忌地脱光衣服跳进海里。He jumped into his car and drove off.他一步跳进汽车,一溜烟地开走了。She attempts suicide by jumping off a bridge into a river.她从桥上跳进河里试图自杀。At the sight he threw himself headlong into the water.看了这情景,他立即纵身跳进水里。Dad pushed off and jumped into the rowboat.爸爸双腿一蹬,跳进了划艇里。He dived into the river.跳进了河里。He plunged into the pool.他一头跳进泳池。The children stripped off their clothes and jumped into the river.孩子们脱掉衣服跳进河里。As soon as I got through customs I jumped into a taxi.我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。She dived in and swam out to the yacht.跳进水里,游向游艇。Some men who could not reach the lifeboats, jumped into the sea.一些无法够到救生艇的人跳进了大海。With a terrible howl, he leapt forward and threw himself into the water.他狂吼一声,向前猛冲,纵身跳进水中。The dog jumped in the pool and spattered us with water.跳进池塘溅了我们一身水。She jumped in the fountain for a bet.她赌气跳进了喷水池。She jumped into the pool feetfirst.她脚先着水地跳进了游泳池。Tiny frogs hopped away at my approach, splashing into mossy pools.我一靠近,小青蛙们就跳进了长满苔藓的池塘里,溅起水花。Eddie ran out of the house, jumped into his car, and drove off.埃迪跑出房子,跳进汽车,然后开车离去。He stripped down to his underpants and leapt into the river.他脱得只剩一条裤衩,跳进河里。He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.他做好了准备要跳进冰冷的脏水里。He jumped into his car and raced back home.跳进汽车,开足马力赶回家去。We stripped off and dived into the pool.我们一下子脱去衣服,跳进游泳池。




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