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He left the engine idling and ran into the shop.他让引擎空转着,自己跑进了商店。Police lost sight of the man when he ran into a crowd of people.那人跑进人群里,警察再也看不到他了。When the rain started,we dived into a cafe.雨下了起来,我们立即跑进了一家小餐馆。There was a shout, and suddenly Adrian bounded into the room.传来一声叫喊,阿德里安突然蹦蹦跳跳地跑进了房间。A rat squeaked and ran into the bushes.一只老鼠吱吱叫着跑进了灌木丛。The mare neighed and disappeared amongst the trees.母马嘶叫一声,跑进树林里消失不见了。My first act was to run into the bedroom.我做的第一件事便是跑进卧室。They all stripped and ran into the water.他们都脱光了衣服,跑进水里。A rabbit ran into the underbrush.一只兔子跑进了矮树丛。The boys ran off into the crowd.男孩们跑进了人群里。He came running into the house, reeking of sweat.他跑进屋子里,身上一股汗酸味。He jumped out of the car and ran off into the woods.他跳下汽车跑进了树林。Danny lost sight of the muggers when they ran into a shopping centre.这些行凶抢劫者跑进购物中心后,丹尼就找不到他们的踪影了。Crowds burst through the barriers and ran onto the pitch.人群冲破栅栏跑进球场。The door burst open and Tom ran into the room.门突然打开,汤姆跑进了房间。She skidded to a halt, jumped off her scooter, and ran into the house.她滑着停了下来,跳下踏板车,跑进了屋里。All three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen.我们三人全都匆忙跑进厨房。We saw three deer bound over the fence into the woods.我们看见三只鹿跳过篱笆跑进了小树林。The crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.球员跑进运动场时,人群欢呼了起来。Some supporters ran onto the field and assaulted the referee.一些球迷跑进球场打了那个裁判。Everyone ran to get indoors when the storm broke. 暴雨突降,大家都跑进室内避雨。I dashed pell-mell into the drawing room.我匆忙跑进客厅。A mob of natives came running into the hut.一群土人跑进茅屋来。If the deer catches winds of us, he'll run into the woods.鹿一闻到我们的气味就会跑进树林。He ran into the hallway, leaving wet footprints behind him.他跑进了门厅,身后留下一串湿脚印。The game was interrupted when two streakers ran onto the field with a banner.两个裸奔者拿着个横幅跑进赛场,比赛被迫中断。I stumbled into the loo, touched up my make-up, fluffed up my hair.我踉跄着跑进洗手间,补了补妆,拍松了头发。The kids tore into the house and up the stairs.孩子们跑进房子冲上楼去。They ran into the alley, hoping to shake off their pursuers.他们跑进胡同,希望甩掉追赶者。She ducked into a store when it started to rain.雨一开始下,她赶紧跑进一家商店。The children rushed pellmell into the yard.孩子们一窝蜂地跑进院子。I released my son's hand, and he ran out onto the playground.我松开了儿子的手,他便跑进了游乐场。 |