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词汇 lump
例句 You should never ignore a breast lump.千万不能忽视乳房肿块。This movie is guaranteed to bring a lump to your throat.这部影片肯定会让你哽咽欲泣。A huge lump of rock had split off from the cliff face.一大块岩石从悬崖壁上脱落下来。People tend to lump the Stasi in with the Soviet Union.人们常常认为东德的国家安全部和苏联是一伙的。Melt a lump of butter in your frying-pan.把一块黄油放入煎锅里化开。William was going to kick up a fuss, but he realized he'd have to lump it.威廉本想大闹一番,却意识到自己只能忍下这口气。She found a lump in her breast.她在胸部发现了一个肿块。From a single lump of clay, Torrence had produced a work of art.托兰斯就用单单的一块陶土创作出了一件艺术品。During an examination her midwife discovered a lump in her breast.在一次体检中,助产士在她的胸部发现了一处肿块。He felt a lump in his throat, and tears forming in his eyes.他觉得喉咙哽咽,泪水涌上双眼。Surgeons operated to remove the lump.外科医生动手术摘除肿块。When we said goodbye I had a lump in my throat.告别的时候,我一度哽咽。It was a great reception and it brought a lump to my throat.如此盛情接待,叫我一时哽咽。He paid for his car in one lump.他一次全部付清了汽车的货款。On retirement each employee will receive a lump sum of £10,000 and a regular annual pension thereafter.每位雇员退休时可以一次性得到一万英镑,此后定期领取年金。My wife would receive a guaranteed lump sum in the event of my death.倘若我死了,我妻子将保证能得到一次性付清的一笔钱。They've been told: take the lower interest rate, or lump it.有人告诉他们,要么接受更低的利率,要么就这样。He discovered a lump under his skin so he went to the doctor.他发现皮下有个肿块,就去看了医生。She felt a lump in her breast.她摸到乳房有一个肿块。The artist started with a big lump of clay.艺术家用一大块黏土开始雕塑。You can't lump the symptoms together and blame them all on stress.你不能把这些症状都统统归结为压力太大的缘故。You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum.你定期支付保险费,而保险公司则会一次性给你一笔钱作为回报。I was almost hit by a lump of rock that fell from the cliff.我差点被一块从悬崖上掉下来的小石块砸到。As the wheel turned, the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.随着陶轮的转动,制陶工人挤压黏土团塑造出优美的形状。You can't lump all these different things together.你不可以将所有这些不同的事物统统归并在一起。People tend to lump them all together.人们常常把它们都归为一类。He's developed a painful lump on his neck.他脖子上长了个肿块,很疼。He's got a lump on his forehead.他额头上起了个包。He may be one of the main characters but I think he is a tedious great lump.他或许是主角之一,不过在我看来他是个烦人的傻大个儿。I had a lump in my throat watching Rick go up to get his prize.看着里克上去领奖,我的喉咙哽咽了。He got a lump on his head after bumping into the doorway.他在门口撞了一下,头上鼓起了一个大包。If you don't like it you can lump it.你如果不喜欢,也只得接受。Do you take one lump or two in your coffee?你在咖啡里放一块还是两块方糖?The pig was nosing under some moss to uncover a lump of truffle.这只猪用鼻子在一些苔藓下面闻了闻,想挖出一个块菌。He had a lump on his forehead the size of a golf ball.他额头上有一个高尔夫球大小的肿块。There was a lump in Elizabeth's throat as she gazed at the child.伊丽莎白看着孩子,哽咽欲哭。Don't lump me and Dave together.别把我和戴夫相提并论。Like it or lump it, I'm not going to turn my radio off.不管你是否高兴,我不准备把收音机关掉。I've got a lump on my shoulder.我肩上肿了一块。The lump was discovered during routine breast screening.肿块是在常规乳腺检查时发现的。




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