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词汇 足球队
例句 Football teams like to make sure their star players are constantly in the news.足球队都希望能保证他们的明星球员不断地在新闻中出现。The football team lost their No. 1 ranking as a result of the decision.由于这一决定,该足球队失去了排名第一的位置。The football managers agreed on swap deals involving their star players.足球队主教练就明星球员的交换达成了一致。Ken Roach said he wants to manage the football team next year.肯��罗奇说他明年想接管那支足球队The Brazilian soccer boss hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley.昨晚巴西足球队主帅因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。As a football player, John is second to none.作为一名足球队员,约翰可是首屈一指的。He's desperate to get on the football team.他不顾一切要进足球队He claims the football team is a dead bag.他说这支足球队死气沉沉。The football team ended its campaign with an unexpected defeat.足球队在季节赛中以出乎意料的失败告终。After he retired from football, he became a sports reporter for the Gazette.足球队退役后,他成了《新闻报》的体育记者。He set out to make Newcastle the best football team in the country.他决心使纽卡斯尔队成为全国最优秀的足球队He manages our football team.他负责管理我们的足球队She participates in both soccer and cheerleading at school.学校足球队和啦啦队她都参加了。Bolton's famous football team was the pride of the town.博尔顿著名的足球队是该镇的骄傲。We couldn't drum up enough boys to make a football team.我们召集不到足够的男孩组成足球队Our football team feels proud that it has won every match this season.我们的足球队因这个赛季屡战屡胜颇感得意。He has been dropped from the football team.他已被足球队除名。That football team got plastered.那支足球队败得很惨。The local football team was feted everywhere it went.当地的足球队无论到哪儿都受到款待。She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team.她曾经是足球队上每个人的性伴侣。Our football team has got a very experienced coach.我们的足球队有了一个很有经验的教练。The footballer volleyed the ball into the net.足球队员将球凌空抽射入网。He improvised a song about the football team's victory.他就足球队的胜利即兴谱写了一首歌。He was wearing the colours of his favourite football team.他穿着他钟爱的足球队的球衣。The soccer player showed good control of the ball.这名足球队员展现出良好的控球能力。Which football team do you support?你支持哪一个足球队It's easy to criticize, but managing a football team can be an extremely difficult job.要批评很容易,但要管理一支足球队极其困难。A bit of needle can add spice to a football rivalry.一点敌意都能使水火不容的足球队仇上加仇。He played on the Irish junior soccer team.他在爱尔兰少年足球队踢球。The football team was plunged into despair.足球队陷入绝望之中。It all depends on how that football team shapes after Christmas.这全取决于圣诞节后那个足球队踢得如何。Our football team really got plastered last week.我们的足球队上星期遭到惨败。He has the makings of a world-class footballer.他有成为世界一流足球队员的素质。He was one of the first-string football players.他曾是足球队的正式队员。Ed Carey has been chosen to make over the losing football team.艾德·卡瑞被选来对这支每况愈下的足球队做一番改善。Brad was the captain of his high school football team.布拉德上高中时是学校足球队的队长。Manchester is famous for its nightlife and for its football teams.曼彻斯特以其夜生活和足球队而闻名。The football team is in top form and it is sure of victory.足球队竞技状态极好,胜券在握。You are a credit to the football team.你是一位为足球队增光的人。Eleven girls joined the junior high football team, but only four stuck it out until the end of the season.十一名女孩参加了初中的足球队,但只有四个人坚持到了赛季结束。




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