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The hunter-gatherer lifestyle today survives precariously in remote regions.今天狩猎采集的生活方式在偏远地区侥幸留存了下来。The vast slums perch precariously on top of the hills around the city.一大片贫民窟坐落在城市周围的山顶上,摇摇欲坠。The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism.这个国家在基督教和异教间摇摆不定。The vase was placed precariously close to the edge of the table.这个花瓶被摆放在桌子边上,不安全。He lived somewhat precariously from one day to the next, never knowing where his next meal was coming from.他日子过得很不稳定,吃了上顿难保下顿的。Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.骑车人危险地在车流中飞速穿行时,汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声响成一片。The hotel was perched precariously on a steep hillside.旅馆坐落在陡峭的山顶,位置险峻。The ladder swayed precariously.梯子晃晃悠悠的,很危险。One of my grocery bags was still precariously perched on the car bumper.我的一只食品杂货物袋还摇摇欲坠地搭在汽车保险杠上。The phone was perched precariously on the window ledge.电话放在窗台上,摇摇欲坠。Jean went out, the tray balancing precariously in one hand.琼走了出去,一只手端着托盘摇摇晃晃的。She leaned precariously out of the window.她把身子探出窗外,真危险。An angel was balancing precariously on top of the Christmas tree.一个小天使摇摇晃晃地站在圣诞树上。Frank's tinted glasses are perched precariously on his head.弗兰克的有色眼镜摇摇晃晃地架在头顶上。 |