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词汇 越南
例句 Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange, used to defoliate Vietnam.二噁英是药剂橙的成分,在越南战场上被用于毁灭林区。The refugees were forcibly repatriated from Hongkong to Vietnam.难民们被强行从香港遣返回越南去了。Fears are growing for the safety of a British backpacker who went missing in Vietnam last week.人们越来越担心上周在越南失踪的一名英国背包旅行者的安全。As for The Deer Hunter's combat sequences, these relate only tangentially to Vietnam.至于《猎鹿人》中的战争镜头,只是表面上与越南有关。American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.美国公司急着在越南寻找商机。Many of the refugees were sent back to Vietnam.有许多难民被遣送回越南Vietnam has instituted reforms in an effort to revive its struggling economy.为了振兴在困境中挣扎的经济,越南实行了改革。The first phase of economic reform was popular in Vietnam.越南经济改革的第一阶段深得人心。With its largely unspoiled natural beauty, Vietnam is rapidly becoming a destination for more and more foreign visitors.越南有很多未被破坏的自然美景,很快就成了越来越多外国游客的目的地。He was an ex-soldier who did his time in Vietnam. 他是名退伍军人,曾经在越南打过仗。Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam.钱也会用于越南的地方发展项目当中。Oliver Stone was in Thailand shooting the final instalment in his Vietnam trilogy, Heaven And Earth.奥利弗·斯通在泰国拍摄他的越南三步曲的最后一部《天与地》。US relations with Vietnam have improved recently.美国与越南的关系最近已得到了改善。The peace movement has learnt a thing or two from Vietnam.和平运动从越南学到了不少东西。Vietnam has emerged as the world's third-biggest rice exporter.越南已经跃居世界第三大稻米出口国。The TV station presented its white paper on Vietnam.该电视台就越南问题发布了一篇详细报告。The Vietnamese foreign minister had a series of off-the-record meetings with his French counterpart in Geneva.越南外长和法国外长在日内瓦举行了一系列非正式会议。Pilger knows what he is talking about, having spent several years as a reporter in Vietnam.皮尔杰在越南当过几年记者,对此很在行。·The Vietnamese restaurant is tucked away on a quiet street. 这家越南餐厅位于一条安静的街上。He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam.他呼吁政府解除对越南的贸易禁运。Stone is filming the final instalment of his Vietnam trilogy.斯通正在拍摄越南三部曲的最后一部。Vietnam made an official request that the meeting be postponed.越南已经正式请求将会议推迟。Facing total defeat in Vietnam, the French subsequently conceded full independence to Laos.法国人在越南面临彻底的失败后,接着又让老挝取得了完全的独立。Many Americans now question whether the US should have waged war on Vietnam.如今许多美国人都质疑美国是否应该对越南发动战争。It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam.它使我想起了在靶场练习射击准备去越南服役的日子。Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future.越南正在努力确定其未来发展的方向。Economic aid to Vietnam has virtually halted.越南的经济援助几乎已经终止了。Under the agreement the Vietnamese can opt out at any time.依据该协定,越南有权随时选择退出。We finally got over the border into Vietnam.我们最后跨过边界进入了越南The Eisenhower administration refused to take military action in Vietnam.艾森豪威尔政府拒绝对越南采取军事行动。He wrote a piece about postwar Vietnam.他写了一篇有关战后越南的报道。The Deerhunter was a very depressing movie about Vietnam.《猎鹿人》是一部关于越南的非常令人沮丧的电影。People for some time have been reluctant to invoke a parallel with Vietnam.人们有段时间不愿拿越南作比较。There have been growing signs of a rapprochement with Vietnam.越南恢复友好关系的迹象越来越明显了。The country's only supplies are those it can import by lorry from Vietnam.这个国家仅有的补给品是用卡车从越南进口来的。In fact, the US generals had seriously misjudged the determination and endurance of the North Vietnamese.事实上,美国的将领大大低估了越南北部人民的决心和毅力。There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam.存在将真正的难民遣返回越南的风险。The United States has decided to normalize relations with Vietnam.美国已决定与越南实现关系正常化。Japan was poised to become the biggest foreign investor in Vietnam.日本已经准备好成为越南的第一大外国投资者了。




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