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词汇 确有
例句 All humans do have some kind of innate mental ability.凡是人确有某种天生的智力。The result hardly justified the risks they took to get it.结果难以证明他们为此所冒风险确有所值。Weiskopf was a talented and successful man, but he did have a cruel side.魏斯科普夫颇有天赋而且事业有成,但他的确有残忍的一面。He's got a real attitude problem.他的确有态度问题。There was a distinct improvement in the patient's condition.病人情况确有好转。There was a real Arthur on whom the legendary king was based.确有亚瑟其人,传说中的亚瑟王就是以他为原型塑造的。I suppose the situation has a certain inexorable logic.我认为出现这种情况确有一定的必然原因。I do have opinions, but I'm not hidebound in those opinions.确有我的看法,但我并不固执己见。The animal does have a program of reaction to stimuli arising in its external and internal worlds.动物确有一种对来自外界及本身的刺激的反应程序。The decor really dates the house.这房子的装潢显示它的确有历史了。It is rare for a person to undergo a dramatic transformation in his political thinking, but it does happen.人们很少会经历政治思想戏剧化的改变,但的确有这种事。He's not a great writer, though his work does have some literary merit.尽管他的作品的确有一些文学价值,但他还算不上一个伟大的作家。There is a very real threat that he will lose his job.他的确有失去工作的危险。Despite frequent disclaimers, he did mean to hurt her.尽管他再三否认,但确有害她之心。A flight cancellation is a distinct possibility.航班取消确有可能。A civil war is a distinct possibility.确有可能爆发内战。Mr Perks questioned them at length to establish their bona fides.珀克斯先生对他们进行了长时间询问,以确定他们确有诚意。He's attractive all right, but he's not that bright.他的确有吸引力,不过他不是那么聪明。There was genuine acrimony between the teams.两队之间确有激烈争执。We have a realistic chance of winning.我们确有机会获胜。We're just spitballing, of course, but here are a few ideas we'll hand along.当然喽,我们是随口说说,但是这里确有一些意见我们是要表达的。At least they have a real chance to find work.至少他们的确有找到工作的机会。Methane gas does collect in the mines around here.周围的矿井里的确有沼气聚积。Some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.确有人设法抓住铁梯爬上了顶层甲板,脱离了危险。Business really picked up last month.上个月的生意的确有所提升。We do have procedures in place to weed out individuals who are corrupt.我们确有相应的程序清除腐败的人员。There is a real risk of injury in sports such as climbing.攀登之类的运动的确有受伤的危险。The technique has definite curative possibilities.这方法确有疗效。




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