例句 |
The gun went off accidentally.枪走火了。The gun went off while he was cleaning it.他擦枪的时候,枪走火了。The damage was caused by accidental discharge of a hunting rifle.破坏是因猎枪走火造成的。She claimed that the gun went off accidentally.她声称枪是不小心走火。We were struggling for the gun when it went off.我们正扭打着抢那把枪,这时它突然走火了。His gun went off accidentally.他的枪不小心走火了。The trigger of the gun is locked so that it cannot be fired by accident.枪的扳机锁住了,所以不会走火。This is the place where the hunting accident happened.这就是发生猎枪走火事故的现场。We were struggling for the gun when it went off!.我们正在争夺那把枪,这时它突然走火了! |