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词汇 from head to toe
例句 He was dressed in white from head to toe.他从头到脚穿了一身白。Children's World can kit out your kids from head to toe.儿童世界能为你的孩子们提供从头到脚的装备。As the focus of attention, the bride was bejeweled from head to toe.作为注意力的焦点,新娘从头到脚都穿戴了珠宝。The dog was covered in mud from head to toe.这条狗浑身都是泥。She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion.她给自己从头到脚都抹上了强效防晒露。He was covered in mud from head to toe.他浑身上下都是泥。The children were caked in mud from head to toe.孩子们从头到脚全是泥。The children were mired from head to toe.孩子们弄得浑身尽是污泥。They were covered in mud from head to toe.他们浑身上下都是泥。He gave himself a good scrub from head to toe.他把自己从头到脚擦洗了个干净。




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