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词汇 走廊
例句 We'd eat during the hot summer evenings on the front porch.在炎热的夏夜,我们会在屋前走廊上吃晚饭。I sat on the porch and dreamed away the day. 我坐在走廊上,在遐想中度过了一天。He could hear the clack of high heels walking past in the corridor.他可以听见高跟鞋经过走廊时发出的咔哒声。He recalled a powwow they had in the corridor.他想起了他们曾在走廊开过的一次碰头会。Along a ground floor corridor a change of bulb strength would undoubtedly help to light the way.改变底层走廊灯泡的亮度,无疑会有助于照路。There's a really strong smell of bleach in the corridor.走廊里有一股极为刺鼻的漂白粉味。He heard the sound of heavy, dragging footsteps in the corridor.他听到从走廊上传来拖沓沉重的脚步声。A loud brassy chord ran down the corridor, obscuring the sound of her voice.响亮的铜管乐声从走廊的另一端传过来,掩盖了她的嗓音。A natural corridor at the foot of the Alps.阿尔卑斯山脚下的天然走廊Her office is at the end of the hall.她的办公室在走廊的尽头。Mo rushed off down the corridor.莫匆匆走过走廊The wood/metal shop is down the hall.木材/金属工艺课教室在走廊那头。Those old boxes in the corridor are a fire risk.走廊里的旧箱子是火灾隐患。He passed along the corridor to a small room at the back of the building.他穿过走廊来到大楼后面的一间小屋。I followed her down the corridor and caught up with her.我跟着她穿过走廊,赶上了她。The corridor runs down the middle of the building.走廊沿着大楼的中部延伸。The footsteps pitter-pattered down the hall.脚步声顺着走廊劈啪而去。He looked up and down the corridor, meaty hands resting on his thighs.他两只胖乎乎的手搁在大腿上,上下打量着这个走廊Harry stepped into the passage and closed the door behind him.哈里穿过走廊,随手关上了身后的门。What's up? There's such a loud noise in the corridor.出什么事啦?走廊里喧闹声那么大。He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.他走进门道,举起枪瞄准走廊I was banished to a distant corridor.我被赶到远处的一条走廊里。Outside, in the passageway, I could hear people moving about.我能听到有人在外面走廊里走动。He strode off down the corridor.他沿走廊大步流星地走了。People were milling around in the corridor, waiting for the show to start.人们绕着走廊兜圈子,等表演开场。She trotted softly through the passageway to the gate.她穿过走廊,轻轻地慢慢跑向大门。He came to a door that led into a passageway.他来到一扇门前,这扇门通往一条走廊Attached to the front of the house, there was a large veranda.和房子前面连着的是一条宽大的走廊She lugged the suitcase out into the hallway.她吃力地把行李箱拖到走廊里。The bathroom is halfway down the hall on the right.卫生间在走廊中间的右手边。There is a passageway between the two rooms.两个房间之间有一条走廊Their HQ comprises miles of corridors with their ubiquitous coffee machines.他们的总部有数英里长的走廊,其间咖啡机无处不在。I was lost in a maze of passages.我在迷宫般的走廊里迷路了。Someone was waiting outside in the passage.有人在外面的走廊等着。He heard steps in the corridor.他听到了走廊里的脚步声。She scuffed down the hall towards her room.她一步一拖地顺着走廊朝自己的房间走去。We made our way inch by inch through the darkened corridor.我们慢慢地穿过那条黑暗的走廊He wandered through dimly lit hallways, crunching broken glass.他漫无目的地穿过昏暗的走廊,把碎玻璃踩得嘎吱嘎吱作响。She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor.她被拉着胳膊带到走廊另一头的一个小房间里。I could hear him pattering along the corridor in his bare feet.我能听见他光脚在走廊快跑的声音。




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