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He set off at a canter towards the stable.他朝着马厩的方向小跑着出发了。The farm has a farmhouse with stables, a barn and a piggery.这家农场有一座农舍、几个马厩、一个谷仓和一个猪舍。They bought a converted mews.他们买了座由马厩改建成的住房。Polly spends hours in the stables grooming her pony.波莉在马厩里刷洗她的小马,一干就是几个小时。He was in the stable, saddling up his horse.他在马厩里给马装鞍。The stables adjoin the west wing of the house.马厩紧挨着房子的西厢。They stalled the horses for the night.他们把马关在马厩里过夜。We heard the horses neighing in the stable.我们听到了马在马厩里嘶鸣。Horses and cows were stabled on the lower floor.马和牛关在马厩的底下一层。As we came out of the stables, a rider came towards us.当我们走出马厩的时候,一个人骑着马向我们走了过来。They fed and watered the horses in the barn.他们给马厩里的马喂食喂水。She walked the horse to the stable.她把马牵到了马厩里。The horses are always eager for exercise after the close confinement of the stables.马匹被挤在一起关在马厩里,出来之后总是急不可待地想活动一下。As he neared the stable, he slowed the horse and patted it on the neck.接近马厩时,他勒马缓行,轻拍它的脖颈。She rode the horse back to the stable.她把马骑回马厩。You should allow your stabled horse a couple of hours' freedom per day.你应该每天把关在马厩里的马放出来自由活动几个小时。Adriana hid in the tunnel connecting the house with the stables.阿德里安娜藏在连接房子和马厩的地道里。We heard a whinny come from the stable.我们听到马厩里传来嘶鸣声。He strewed fresh hay on the floors of the stable. = He strewed the floors of the stable with fresh hay.他把新鲜干草撒在马厩里。She's been on at me for weeks to show her round the stables.她已经缠了我好几个星期了,让我带她去马厩转转。Dismounting, I led the horse by the reins back to the stable.我翻身下马,牵着缰绳把马带回马厩。She cleaned the horses' stalls.她清扫了马厩。She stabled the horse.她把马关到马厩里。He led the horse out of the stable.他把马从马厩里牵了出来。The horses have to be corkscrewed into the diminutive stables.不得不把这几匹马曲曲绕绕地赶进狭小的马厩。The stable was little more than a rude shack.马厩不过是个简陋的窝棚。There were six stalls for horses in the stable.马厩里有六个栏。The soldiers violated the church by using it as a stable.士兵们把教堂当马厩用从而亵渎了它。He went to the small stable where his horse was, harnessed it, mounted, and rode out to the beach.他走进拴马的小马厩,套上马具,骑上马奔向海滩。The house is in a secluded mews.这座房子坐落在一个偏僻的马厩房院子里。The courtyard is surrounded on three sides by stables.庭院的三面都是马厩。 |