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词汇 赢利
例句 The company finally got its act together and started making a profit this year.公司终于正常运行,并于今年开始赢利了。This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.今年该航空公司将很难赢利We haven't made a profit yet, but we're getting there.我们目前还没赢利,但离目标不远了。After five quarters in the red, the business will soon be profitable.公司亏损了五个季度,很快就要赢利了。They made millions in profits in last year.他们去年赢利数百万。After years of losing money the company has finally reached the break-even point and we hope to make a profit soon.多年亏损之后,公司终于取得收支平衡,希望不久就会赢利The company has expectations of making a profit next year.这家公司明年有望赢利They had a difficult start, but they've turned the restaurant into a going concern.他们刚开张时很艰难,但现在已使餐馆成为赢利企业了。You've got to be able to make your business pay.你得能让你的企业赢利He said that dividing up the company would make the units more profitable.他说,把公司拆分开来可以让各部门更加赢利The company has struggled recently, but the fact is that they are still making a profit.这家公司最近经营困难,但仍在赢利,这确实是事实。The company has made a profit for seven consecutive years.这家公司已连续七年赢利The cooperative anticipates a return to profitability later in the year.该合作企业预计今年晚些时候会重新开始赢利How they ever made a profit is an absolute mystery.他们当时是如何赢利的绝对是个谜。We haven't made a profit yet, but we'll get there eventually. 我们目前还没赢利,但我们最终会赢利的。Recently, the company has turned around, and it should have a profitable year.公司近来有所好转,今年应该会赢利When you consider how much this meal would cost to prepare at home, you realize that the restaurant must be making an enormous profit.你考虑一下这顿饭在家里做会花费多少,就会明白饭馆定是赢利颇丰的。The company made/turned a profit this year.公司今年赢利了。The farm will never be a paying proposition. 这家农场永远不会赢利We got a positive return on our investment. 我们的投资赢利了。There has been a falling-off in box-office income and other earnings.票房收入和其他赢利都在下降。He produced several commercially successful films.他制作了几部从赢利角度看非常成功的影片。After years of losing money the company is starting to break even and hopes to make a profit soon.多年亏损之后,这家公司开始收支平衡,希望不久就会赢利The profitability of a mixed economy is an essential prerequisite of economic growth.混合经济的赢利能力是经济增长的一个必要前提。We don't sell children's clothes any more - it wasn't profitable enough.我们不卖童装了一赢利不多。By trimming costs and improving service the hotel has now started to make a profit again.通过削减开支、提高服务质量,旅馆现在又开始赢利了。Many biotech companies are not yet profitable, as they continue to pour money into research and trials.许多生物科技公司一直把大量资金投入在研究和试验中,但还没赢利Backward farming methods made grain production uneconomic in the region.这个地区落后的耕种方法使得粮食生产无法赢利Company profits this year have been very disappointing.今年公司的赢利很令人失望。It may be some time before the company starts to make a profit.公司可能要过一段时候才开始赢利All banks measure profit in terms of earnings per share.银行以每一股份的赢利额来计算自己的利润。The company will make a small profit at best this year. 公司今年顶多是微赢利The company was in debt but is now turning a profit.这家公司曾经负债,但现在赢利了。He protected less profitable state farms by writing off their debts.他保护不怎么赢利的州立农场,取消他们的债务。It's only in the last year that our business has become profitable. Before that we were just managing to cover our costs.我们公司去年才开始赢利。在那以前,我们只是勉强做到收支相抵。The goal of the partnership is to improve his company's profit margin.合伙的目的是提高他公司的赢利空间。The newly reorganized company is now in the black.这家近期重组的公司现在赢利了。The company won't make a profit this year. At best, they'll break even.公司今年不会赢利,充其量不亏不赚。The farm is a highly profitable business.该农场是一个赢利颇丰的企业。The company offers the hope of big returns for people who buy its shares.该公司给购买其股票的人丰厚赢利的希望。




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