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词汇 拨弄
例句 She fingered her necklace absent-mindedly as she talked.她说话时心不在焉地拨弄着项链。I've tried fiddling with the knobs, but nothing seems to happen.我试着拨弄那些旋钮,但似乎什么作用也没有。She fingered the pearls at her throat.她用手指拨弄脖子上的珍珠。He nervously fingered the knife.他紧张地拨弄着刀。He poked at his food.拨弄着他的食物。He put his hand in his pocket and jingled some change.他把手放在口袋里,把几枚硬币拨弄得叮当作响。The boys were poking the insects with a pen.男孩子们正在用一支钢笔拨弄着那些小虫子。She poked at her food with a fork.她拿叉子拨弄着食物。She kept pushing her fringe off her forehead.她不停地把刘海从额前拨弄开。She toyed with her hair while she talked on the phone.她一边打电话,一边拨弄着自己的头发。He toyed nervously with a button on his jacket as he was speaking.他边说话边紧张地拨弄着一颗上衣扣子。He poked a stick at the snake. = He poked the snake with a stick.他用棍子拨弄了那条蛇。She fussed with a wisp of hair over her ear.她紧张不安地拨弄耳边的一缕头发。Brian put his hands in his pockets and jingled some change.布赖恩把手插进口袋里,把几枚硬币拨弄得叮当作响。She twanged the guitar strings.拨弄吉他弦,发出嘣嘣声。He was twanging the strings of the guitar.他那会儿正拨弄着吉他弦。She toyed with the shrimps on her plate.拨弄着盘子里的小虾。She was on her knees, poking the fire.她双膝跪地,拨弄炉火。The priest fidgeted nervously with his black rosary beads.牧师紧张地拨弄着他的黑色念珠。She had no appetite, and merely toyed with the bread and cheese.她没有胃口,只是拨弄着面包和奶酪。She played with her hair while she talked on the phone.她一边打电话一边拨弄自己的头发。You've been plunking that banjo all afternoon!你整个下午都在拨弄那个班卓琴!One of the guards was fiddling with his radio, all the time keeping a wary eye on the five prisoners.其中一个卫兵一边拨弄着他的收音机,一边却一直在小心翼翼地监视着那五个囚犯。She just toyed with her salad.她只是拨弄着她那份色拉。Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒,拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。The boy dabbled with his breakfast cereal.男孩拨弄着早餐时吃的麦片粥玩。He fingered the few coins in his pocket.拨弄着口袋里的几枚硬币。Someone was plucking at the strings of an old guitar.有人在拨弄一把旧吉他的琴弦。He fumbled with the buttons at the neck.拨弄着领口的扣子。She fiddled nervously with her watch strap.她紧张地拨弄着表带。He fiddled with his prayer beads.拨弄着他的念珠。She was fiddling with a piece of loose thread in her skirt.她在拨弄裙子上一段松掉的线头。




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