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词汇 赞扬
例句 He was praised for his firm leadership.他因坚定有力的领导而受到了赞扬On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.在这个难忘的时刻,我们对协会的出色工作表示赞扬He received hordes of accolades ever since he became a professional player.自从他成为一个职业选手之后,他就受到不断的赞扬We should honor the courage and self-sacrifice of the brave soldiers who died for our country.对于那些为国捐躯的英勇战士们,我们应赞扬其勇气和自我牺牲。She enjoyed the warmth of their praise.她喜欢他们热情的赞扬He deserves the highest praise for his bravery.他的勇敢行为应该获得最高的赞扬His heroism in saving the drowning boy from the river was highly praised.他从河里救起落水男孩的英雄行为受到高度的赞扬He's been praised and condemned in equal measure.他得到的赞扬和指责各占一半。She was deservedly praised for her generosity.她的宽宏大量理所当然地受到了赞扬I'm sure I don't deserve so much praise.我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬Her praise was obvious sycophancy.她的赞扬显然是阿谀奉承。She paid me the double-edged compliment of saying my work was "excellent for a beginner."她用“优秀的新手”这种毁誉参半的话来赞扬我的工作。His patients all sing his praises.他的病人都对他大加赞扬He saluted the historic achievement of the government.赞扬政府的成就具有历史意义。He's a very deserving young man.他是一个非常值得赞扬的年轻人。He accepted all the praise he received as his due.他接受了全部赞扬,认为受之无愧。The newspaper magnified him.这份报纸赞扬了他。They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.他们勤俭节约,积极进取,得到了当之无愧的赞扬He praised the excellent work of the UN weapons inspectors.赞扬了联合国武器核查人员的出色工作。The speech earned him lavish praise from the press.他的讲话为自己赢得了媒体慷慨的赞扬Just give her a little praise and, presto, she's happy.只要给她一点赞扬,一下子她就眉开眼笑了。We in the `no' camp must give credit where credit's due.我们这些反对阵营的人该赞扬的时候还是要赞扬He can be stinting with praise. 他很少赞扬他人。To her credit, she gave them lunch.她给他们提供了午餐,这一点得赞扬The Company received a commendation from the Royal Society of Arts.公司受到了皇家艺术协会的赞扬The movie was critically acclaimed.那部电影受到评论界的赞扬He praised her professionalism and dynamism.赞扬了她的专业精神和活力。The critics praised the author's extraordinary truthfulness.评论家们赞扬这位作家的非凡真实。Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。Laura acknowledged this compliment with a negligent wave of her left hand.劳拉随意挥了挥左手算是听到了这个赞扬Her performance won plaudits from the critics.她的表演赢得了评论家的赞扬Friends of the actor paid tribute to his talent and expressed shock as news of his death became public.那位演员的死讯公布后,他的朋友纷纷赞扬他的天赋并表达震惊之情。To her great credit, she does not try to avoid the truth.她没有试图回避事实,这值得大加赞扬He gained a lot of kudos when he was chosen to play Hamlet.当被选为哈姆雷特的扮演者时,他获得了很多赞扬A sincere compliment can be a true confidence booster.真诚的赞扬确实能使人增强信心。I congratulated the bosses on their foresight.赞扬老板们有先见之明。Prince Sadruddin lavished praise on Britain's contributions to world diplomacy.萨德鲁丁王子大力赞扬英国对世界外交作出的贡献。The New York Times has this very laudatory article about your retirement.《纽约时报》发文谈及你的隐退,文中对你大加赞扬Criticism can do people a lot of harm/damage; praise can do people a lot of good.批评伤人,赞扬利人。The business executives who've worked with her sing her praises for getting the job done.那些与她共事的公司管理人员都对她能完成这项工作大加赞扬




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