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词汇 镇子
例句 He knows a lot about the history of the town.他很了解镇子的历史。The path descends steeply to the town.小路陡直而下通向镇子This kind of moth is responsible for decimating thousands of trees in our town.这种飞蛾是破坏我们镇子成千上万棵树木的罪魁祸首。The troops made a desperate last-ditch effort to keep the town from being captured.军队做了最后殊死一搏,不让镇子落入敌手。About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood.他在镇子以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。The whole town was shaken by the news.整个镇子都因这则消息而震惊。I think the entire town has heard the news by now.我想整个镇子的人现在都已经听到这个消息了。The town has now become a real tourist magnet.这个镇子现在成了非常吸引游客的地方。In the summer, buskers fill the town's streets and public squares.夏季,镇子的街道上和公共广场上到处都是街头艺人。Nothing ever changes the even tenor of life in our town.没有什么改变我们镇子里平静的生活氛围。The town's inaccessibility discourages tourism.交通不便阻碍了这个镇子发展旅游业。She said something about leaving town.她说了些要离开镇子的话。He dwelled in the same town for years.他在同一个镇子住了多年。Something was definitely queer about this town.这个镇子上肯定有什么事不对头。In the summer the town is filled with tourists.夏天,镇子里挤满了观光客。They laughed him out of town.他因为他们的嘲笑而离开了镇子The town was destroyed by the raw power of the tornado.镇子被肆虐的龙卷风所摧毁。What I like about this town is that there's so much open space.我喜欢这个镇子,因为有很多开阔地。The town's demographics suggest that the restaurant will do well there.这个镇子的统计数据表明,这家餐馆在那儿的生意会很不错。The army has been shelling the town since yesterday.军队从昨天开始就在炮轰这座镇子The town where we live is having an arts and crafts fair.我们居住的镇子正在举办工艺品展销会。We traveled on to the next town.我们继续到下一个镇子旅行。This was situated to the north-west of the town, a short walk from the railway station.这里地处镇子的西北方,离火车站仅有一小段步行距离。The town she grew up in had a colored church and a white church. 在她长大的那个镇子里,有一个黑人教堂和一个白人教堂。I grew up in the next town over. 我是在邻近的镇子长大的。The town wasn't much of a dump.这个镇子算不上是座城镇。We have a renewed sense of pride in our town.我们又一次为我们的镇子感到自豪。The storm upturned the town.风暴把镇子搅得天翻地覆。This town is a hole.这个镇子肮脏不堪。The town held a debate over what to do about the recent traffic problems.这个镇子举办了一场关于如何处理近来交通问题的辩论。Right now the town is flush with money. 现今这个镇子很富有。We're not losing population in our town. As a matter of fact, people are moving in.我们的镇子没有出现人口流失,事实上,人们正在搬到这里来。The library's collection of old newspapers has proven to be a mother lode of information about the town's early history.图书馆收藏的旧报纸被证实是这个镇子早期历史资料的主要来源。The town has reached the size where traffic is a problem.这个镇子发展到交通都成问题的规模了。The town seemed as unreal as a movie set.这个镇子看上去像电影场景,不像是真的。The people of Hatfield went into shock as they learned their town had been dealt a death blow.哈特菲尔德的人们得知他们的镇子遭遇灾难性事故的消息后都深感震惊。The town has a small natural harbour.这个镇子有一处天然小港。The town will soon be connected to the national electricity grid.这个镇子将很快与国家电网连通。I decided to go out and explore the town.我决定外出实地考察这个镇子The town is on the other side of the notch.这个镇子在峡谷的另一边。




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