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词汇 贵族
例句 Many nobles lost their heads during the French Revolution.在法国大革命中许多贵族上了断头台。The tabloids love a scandal, especially when it involves celebrities or aristocracy.通俗小报喜爱报道丑闻,尤其是涉及名人或贵族的丑闻。The proud nobles scorned the rabble.高傲的贵族轻视下层民众。He is aristocratic born and bred.从出身到教养他都是彻头彻尾的贵族Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution.法国大革命中很多贵族被处死。The new merchant class was anxious for acceptance by the old nobility.新兴的商人阶层渴望得到旧贵族的接纳。There was an aristocracy in Atlantis.亚特兰提斯曾有一个贵族统治集团。The hotel has an air of faded gentility.这家宾馆有一种没落的贵族氛围。He had an aristocratic bearing.他具有贵族风度。The law lords ruled against the government last year.去年上议院贵族法官们作出了不利于政府的裁决。Although he was of noble birth, he lived as a poor man.虽然他出身贵族,却过着穷人的日子。Many members of the aristocracy were guillotined in France during the Revolution.大革命时期法国许多贵族被送上断头台。Her forces were ranged just outside Edinburgh, against the forces of the confederate lords.她的军队就排列在爱丁堡城外,与贵族盟军对垒。The gangrene of the aristocracy and bourgeoisie should be amputated from the State.国家应该铲除贵族和资产阶级的道德败坏作风。He took to the aristocratic life as to the manner born.他天生适应贵族生活。She has confirmed that she will accept the honour of a peerage.她已经证实自己将接受贵族封号。She is the descendant of a noble race.她是贵族后裔。Most of them were the nobility and the landed gentry.他们大多是贵族和地主乡绅。The club membership was once limited to aristocrats.这个俱乐部成员的资格一度仅给予贵族His voice and manner suggested an aristocratic pedigree.他的发音和举止表明他出身贵族Vargas plays the part of a treacherous aristocrat who betrays his king and country.瓦加斯扮演一个背叛了国王和祖国的不忠贵族She married a lord.她嫁给了一个贵族More and more nobles made Moscow their home during Catherine's reign.在叶卡捷琳娜大帝统治时期,越来越多的贵族移居莫斯科。He was born with a rare bone disease, probably the result of aristocratic inbreeding.他天生就有罕见的骨骼疾病,可能是贵族近亲结婚的结果。The nobles had oppressed and exploited their serfs.贵族压迫剥削农奴。He was of noble blood, and an officer.他出身贵族,是一名军官。The hidebound attitudes of Russia's powerful aristocracy made any kind of progress impossible.俄国贵族大权在握,他们的守旧态度扼杀了任何进步的可能性。They did so without hope of profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige.他们这样做并非为了获利,而是出于一种义不容辞的贵族责任感。The peerage have as many responsibilities as privileges.贵族有许多特权,但同样也有许多责任。They did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige.他们这样做并未打算进一步获利,而是出于一种义不容辞的贵族责任感。He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.他是一个六十岁出头、有着贵族气质的清瘦绅士。Although he was of noble birth he lived as a poor man.虽然他出身贵族,却过着穷人的日子。The new rich aped the nobility.暴发户们仿效贵族The dangers inward they foresaw would be from the noblemen.他们所预见的国内隐患可能来自贵族He belonged to an aristocratic family.他出身贵族Wealthy nobles inhabited splendid villas in the surrounding countryside.富有的贵族住在附近乡间华丽的庄园内。The hotel has an air of faded gentility.这家宾馆有一种没落贵族的氛围。She wasn't born into the nobility, she married in.她不是贵族出身,而是因为嫁了贵族才成为贵族的。He had the backing of other mossback aristocrats.他得到其他守旧派贵族的支持。Aristocracy and bureaucracy are natural enemies.贵族制度和官僚体制是天敌。




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