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词汇 贫瘠
例句 The soil has been so heavily leached through intensive farming that it is no longer fertile.过度耕作使养分大量流失导致土地贫瘠Its use impoverished the land.使用它的结果使得土地贫瘠了。The farmer somehow managed to scratch a living from the arid land.农夫想方设法在这贫瘠的土地上勉强糊口。The soil is low in nutrients.这片土壤很贫瘠Poor soil can stunt a plant's growth.贫瘠的土壤会阻碍植物生长。Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.那里大部分土地太贫瘠,无法耕种。These iris are native to the coarse, impoverished soils of the Mediterranean region.这些鸢尾植物原产于地中海地区粗糙贫瘠的土地。Lavender thrives in poor soil.薰衣草在贫瘠土地上也能茂盛生长。The years of growing cotton had made the land completely barren.多年种植棉花使土地贫瘠不堪。The polluted waste is often dumped, making the surrounding land infertile.被污染的废物经常被随意倒掉,周边土地因此而变得很贫瘠Bad farming impoverishes good soil.耕作不善会使沃土贫瘠Most aborigines took refuge in the barren outback.大部分土著居民避居于土地贫瘠的内陆地区。The soil is so poor that it is not workable.这土壤很贫瘠,不适于耕种。Poor farming practices impoverished the soil.不合理的耕作方式使土壤贫瘠I remembered it being green and humid, nothing like this hardscrabble land.我记得这片土地葱绿而湿润,完全不是如此贫瘠Fast-growing trees remove nutrients and impoverish the soil.速生林吸收了营养使土地贫瘠The land around here is poor because of years of intensive farming.由于长年的密集耕作,这一带的土地很贫瘠The barren landscape looks dismal in winter.贫瘠的土地在冬天看上去一片凄凉。Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands.许多生活在土地贫瘠的边境地区的纳米比亚黑人农场主的收成仅够维持自身的口粮。The mainland of Greece is mountainous and largely infertile.希腊大陆地区多山,土地大多贫瘠They eked out a living from the poor soil of the family's farm. 他们靠家庭农场贫瘠的土地勉强维持生计。The plants had difficulty rooting in the poor soil.这些植物在贫瘠的土壤里难以生根。The country is barren, with here and there a fertile spot.这地区土地贫瘠,只是间或有一小块肥沃的地方。The land is so poor here that it cannot support any crops.这片土地太贫瘠,种不了任何作物。The soil in that county is very poor.那个县的土壤十分贫瘠The soil in this area is very poor.这地区的土壤很贫瘠The soil is arid and infertile.这里的土壤干旱贫瘠The new varieties of wheat are good growers even in poor soil.这些新型小麦品种即使在贫瘠的土壤中也能长势良好。The barren land has been turned into fertile fields.贫瘠的土地已改成良田。Poor soil has constrained the level of crop production.土地贫瘠限制了农作物的产量。He wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.他想用水浇灌贫瘠荒芜的土地。The seaside farmlands were too poor to produce crops.海边的那几块农田土质太贫瘠,长不出庄稼。The poor are forced to farm in more marginal lands higher up the mountains.穷人们被迫在山峦更高处更为贫瘠的土地上耕作。Most herbs grow fairly well in dry, poor soil.多数草本植物在干燥、贫瘠的土壤里也能长得很好。Many herbs grow naturally in poor dry soils.很多药草天然生长于贫瘠干燥的土壤中。




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